Entourage v. X error on launch


So, I install iTunes 3, restart go to launch Entourage and when it loads it says something like "The opertaion could not be completed." and under it "A Mail Error" That is more or less what it said.

LUCKILY, everything seems to O.K. meaning it does launch and it works after the error is shown. All data seems to be still there.

I have no idea why this happened. I didn't change anything and I never got this error before.

Please help (I don't like problems on my main computer)!

Hi, Did you solve this problem, I'm getting the same thing and after I did an update on security just yesterday. No I keep getting "could not be completed, MAIL ERROR.

Wht I also get is that when I read my email, it does not register that it's been read.

Have you solved this yet?
Originally posted by antonioconte
Hi, Did you solve this problem, I'm getting the same thing and after I did an update on security just yesterday. No I keep getting "could not be completed, MAIL ERROR.

Wht I also get is that when I read my email, it does not register that it's been read.

Have you solved this yet?

Yes, the problem has been solved.

If I rememeber correctly this is what I did:

Backup your identite in Office X Identities which is in your MS User Data folder inside your Documents folder. Then with Entourage closed hold down the option key and click on Entourage. When it starts up it will ask you to Rebuild the Database. Do the advance one.

That should do it.
Thanks very much for your tip - all sorted now! and it runs faster and it does not seem to have deleted any files but I backed up just in case.

Originally posted by antonioconte
Thanks very much for your tip - all sorted now! and it runs faster and it does not seem to have deleted any files but I backed up just in case.


Glad I could help!!!!
