Envisioning Global Change: Seeing the Facts (at your local Apple store)


iMovie Professional

There's a new "Pro" course available at some Apple stores - titled "Envisioning Global Change: Seeing the Facts". It looks to be similar to a certain Apple board member's keynote presentation on global warming..

Being posted on the front page, only two stores offering the course (currently), it seems to be a bit of a publicity stunt, but it could cause some good things to happen too.

How do scientists discern the impact of human action on the natural rhythm of our dynamic biosphere and climate system?

Scientists at the American Museum of Natural History’s Science Bulletins program use data from satellites to generate HD visualizations. Harnessing the advanced graphics and processing power of the Mac, they render 3D animations from their scientific observations to bring the evidence of global change directly to the general public.

Join geographer Ned Gardiner and animator Arlene Ducao of the American Museum of Natural History’s Science Bulletins program as they present riveting HD visualizations of global change.