Of course, you do all realise that you *can't* use the BSD layer to print. The printing in OSX requires drivers that interact with high level printing APIs in the layers *above* the BSD layer.
Of course, this isn't to say that you might be able to make an OpenStep(?) level print driver that interacts with a BSD layer printdriver. Even at that level, I don't imagine it is just a simple port away, but I can't be sure about that, as I am not that familiar with the use of BSD print drivers.
The point? As much as we all hope to have print drivers sooner, it will require a good programmer to make any. If they did, they would probably be best off avoiding BSD level stuff altogether, and stealing open sourced stuff in making OpenStep level drivers.
Oh, did I mention that non high paying ADC members won't be able to get the dev tools for OSX beta for another month or more?