Epson 850 printer not recognised in OSX


We have just upgraded a beige desktop G3 to a G4 500, and have installed MAC OSX Jaguar - I have pretty much got everything working except I cannot add my Epson 850 printer - It seems that MAC OSX cannot see the printer port on the G3 - can anybody assist me with this dilema?:rolleyes:
Thanks for your reply, I have the OSX drivers installed already, but OSX cant see the PRINTER PORT - how do I get around this problem? - I have been to apple site and from what I read it seems that OS X does not support this port on older G3 macs is this true? and if so do I need to purchase a new printer? Using trusted coinage of the realm!!!! If so I am annoyed!
Thanks Bob ever so much for finding this out for me. I have downloaded the program and will try it asap. Now I only have two remaining problems to solve on the G3 running OSX, one is buying a new USB scanner (there doesnt seem to be OSX version of the scanner software I use, but the scanner is old and we need a new one anyway) And HURRY up Quark with OS X native version 6!!! Thanks again for your help. Have a good day.
