Epson c46

Lt Major Burns

"Dicky" Charlteston-Burns
why is it that the best value cheap crap printr that isn't a lexmark (and therefore one of the most popular, i know 8 people with exactly the same printer), is also the ONLY printer not supported under panther..... pain in the arse when i got that home and had to gimp it....
Sorry to hear about the Epson. I used to have an Epson but got so tired of their flaky drivers. So I went over to Canon printers and never looked back.
No sense complaining about it. You have a PC printer. OS Required - Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

Not Apple's fault.
Lt Major Burns said:
why is it that the best value cheap crap printr that isn't a lexmark (and therefore one of the most popular, i know 8 people with exactly the same printer), is also the ONLY printer not supported under panther..... pain in the arse when i got that home and had to gimp it....

Don't know what 'gimp it' means but did you try downloading the latest version of the gimp-print drivers? AFAIK, those support the Epson C46 printers. If you don't already know, get them here.
I think that epsons osx drivers are just a little behind the windows drivers, all the *6 series printers are quite new (well pretty new) and so a month or so down the line will probably be supported.

Sorry, not much help for your present situation tho!.
get a c86. there great for anything except the photo enthusiast. there u can go with 2200 but c86 is great for everything and is fast and super cheap.