Epson R200 Printer


I have 2 Epson R200 printers which are not functioning and having the same symptoms. When I power on the printer, the paper and ink lights start flashing alternately and the printer will not work. I have been to the Epson site and have tried all the fixes suggested to no avail. I cannot get paper to feed nor can I move the ink cartridge carrier. There is no paper jam and both printers worked fine up to the night before they went kaput (not at the same time, mind you). The first time it happened I went and bought another printer, figuring I could find some way to fix the problem. Now I have 2 dead printers, both with 6 cartridges each in them. I remember a long time ago someone had suggested that the pad on the cartridge carrier, if saturated with ink, could stop the printer from working. But I cannot reach the pad to remove it as the carriage will not move. Any ideas, anyone? All siiuggestions would be appreciated. :(
Did I mention DO NOT REMOVE THE PAD. I'm not even going to tell you how to move the carrier to see the pad. The pad mounting is very delicate and messing with it will result in a trip to the repair shop.
Your problem is most likely software related, try trashing the plist. Go to your home ~ Preferences > Photo R200.
OSX has always sucked when it comes to handling (Epson?) printers.
After using the Printer Setup Utility and deleting the p-list for the printer, the utility gave me a message that parts in the printer had reached the end of life status and need to be replaced. Guess I'll take it into the shop for warranty repairs. Thanks for the suggestion. :(
I just took the printer to an authorized Epson repair center, and sure enough, it was the ink pads causing the problem. Apparently, when the pads are saturated with excess ink, the machine becomes inoperable and the pads need to be replaced. This is not covered under the warranty. I approved the repair ($65 diagnostic fee plus $?). It may be cheaper to just dump the printer and buy a new one. Live and learn. Maybe someone knows how to change these pads.
wow, how long have you had the printer? and how much printing do you do? i have one of these printers and wonder how long before i go through this.

btw, do you always leave the printer pluged in to a live scoket ( aka not a powerstrip that you turn off)? epsons have issues if they are unplugged often, as soon as you turn them on the first time they get power ( plugged in) they go through a complete clean cycle, which is alot of ink, and it all goes to that pad.
I bought the printer in January of this year, and I do a lot of printing - cd's, dvd's, photos etc. I have to use compatible ink cartridges as the cost of the epson cartridges would bankrupt me. There must be some way that one can replace the ink pads without having to take it to a service center. I just have to keep looking for that thread on another forum where I'm sure someone had posted a way to do it.
I have the printer plugged in to a power strip that has a constant on section, and I power the printer on and off when necessary. :rolleyes: