Epson - why no uproar ?



After listening to the guys at CompUSA (including the "Apple Guy" with the Apple Shirt and name tag) that I should buy the Epson C80 printer, i get it home only to find out it is NOT 100% Mac Compat as there are NO drivers for this brand new color printer, but hey there is a CD with the Mac OS9 drivers, and all flavors of Windows, INCLUDING Windows XP.

I thought Epson is supposed to be Apple's best friend....

Luckily my WinXP box I have can print to it, it is a very nice printer, and right now I am pushin my documents across the network to the WinXP box, and then printing them from their (I use VNC on the Mac so I dont have to switch systems to control the WinXP box)

So - why isnt there a load roar about this ? No press about it, nothing, total silence. I called Apple, they said it is Epson I shuold be calling, I call Epson, Twice (once on monday of this week and again today) the Tech who answered on monday said that OS X 10.1 has NOT been released, and the drivers on the CD (WRONG) Today the tech I called stated that "Epson is working diligently to upgrade certain printer models, but my brand new C80 is not on the list......)

Screwed by Epson ??????
I bought it last week and have been forced to go back to mac os 9 to print something. when is epson releasing their 10.1 drivers?!?!?!?!!?:confused:
isn't VNC beautiful?

Try tightvnc, it's still free and 100% compatible with standard VNC, but has better compression settings...

I love that tiny program. Before we had that, we had to walk back and forth to our NOC whenever we needed to do administrative work on the webservers there... now we don't even have to cross the room to log on to the development boxes, we can just hit them from whatever desktop we happen to be on, mac or windows... my boss can even run an NT server from his little HP jornada.... tech support can just take over the idiot end user's PCs, fix whatever they swore they didn't touch, and not have to spend 20 minutes determining what was wrong.

I have no idea how much it saved us in PC anywhere licenses... but I know how much it saved me, personally, in time and headaches. :-)

As for epson... sheesh.
I'll keep that in mind.
E-mail He is a VP of Marketing, whom I e-mailed a couple of months ago. A tech support person replied with the list of printers that Epson "hopes" to support (found at Epson's driver site, This link takes you to the Photo 870 drivers, but the list is there under OS X support. Now that 10.1 is out, we need to remind Epson that they stand to lose a very loyal customer base if they don't get off their keesters and support relatively new printers. :mad:
Thanks for the tip with tight VNC -- this looks cool. I will now have to upgrade all of my boxes (solaris, linux, mac osx, win xp, openbsd) to it....I cant live without VNC, greatest thing since sliced bread.

Now if Epson would only listen to the griping and whining and shut me up by delivering a working driver for Mac OS X ..........


PS - Interesting posts:^30192@.efa0968/5^30192@.efa09e7/6
Thanks for the tip with tight VNC -- this looks cool. I will now have to upgrade all of my boxes (solaris, linux, mac osx, win xp, openbsd) to it....I cant live without VNC, greatest thing since sliced bread.

Now if Epson would only listen to the griping and whining and shut me up by delivering a working driver for Mac OS X ..........


PS - Interesting posts:^30192@.efa0968/5^30192@.efa09e7/6
Hey Buddy, don't worry-- Epson's heard a piece of my mind. They don't have support for my printer (Stylus COLOR 800) and aren't planning support according to their generic response.

I'm not happy with them or their products. Screw you Epson.

I just got into a "back and forth" with the tech at Epson. (not really an arguement as no one raised their voices...)

He claims that since Apple is not SHIPPING OS 10.1 with their systems.....that it truly isnt released....what crock is this ?

Then he stated that it was up to Apple to distribute drivers for their OS, not up to Epson to distribute their printer drivers to Apples custoemrs ?????

Now I am getting really tired of this crap, but I am the type that likes to hound people when I feel I have been screwed, which in this case I do.

I am keeping accurate notes, including the date/times called, rep names, and statements they have made (4 phone calls this week, each had a different story....)
I sugest if you buy a printer that does not work with your OS of choice, TAKE IT BACK!!!! The best way to get developers to write drivers for there devices is to not buy them if they dont fully work. Dont settle for a work around by moving the files to your XP box!! There are LOTS of GOOD printers that are supported under X. Give those developers your business.
Well i wrote a nice email to asking when i'd recieve my print drivers. I'll see what he says. I dont understand how you can make some drivers but not all? Shouldnt they all be basically the same?
