Equivalent website for the ipod?


Looking for a comparable board for all matters iPod.

Or maybe somebody here as experienced similar:
I have a 13 month old Generation 3 iPod that has developed a "split" along the right side. The silver has separated from the white. Wide enough to slip a a playing card inside.

I'm 13 months out, so warranty is a no-go. I also don't have AppleCare.

Has anybody else experienced this? Any recommendations on what I should do? Or any board that could better answer this?

I searched apple's website, also google, and can't find a good lead on this problem.

Thanks in advance
As long as it doesnt stop playing, there shouldnt be an issue... Snap it back together, or buy a case.

You could take this chance to take it apart, and make the tabs on the silver part work again.. one of them may be bent up or something, some how. Im sure if you ask around, maybe move this to the hardware forum, others can help you... But I'll echo the iPodLounge.com site, and try iPoding.

Good luck.
I have noticed on the top left hand corner of my 3rd gen iPod, the white is seperating abit or just becoming loose. Im pretty sure it is 1 year old in july. However i bought my ipod from a ipod reselller (myers) here in australia, the offer was a 3 year warranty with your ipod. However i don't know whether that is an Apple iPod warranty or just a warranty through myers, so maybe when the battery dies in my ipod i could get a new ipod or battery for free ! ?? :)
ipoding came to the rescue with the suggestion of carefully prying it <<further>> apart, just a touch, until it snaps back together. That was counter-intuitive to my thoughts and fixed it in a hurry. Now my OCD can rest once more. Until I think about the coffee pot that is . . .