Erase Erase Delete Empty Killer Trasher!!!!


NO!!!!! it's not one of these "simple" problem, to unknow rookie-users that didn't understood the "root" at all!!!
....I have a courios permitting-problem with Trashes!!!
After all the months i used OSX, i learnd to use the root, the Terminal, the special commands like "rm -Rf *" (attention to rookie-readers: !!! DON'T EVER give in this command with options!!!!).....

shortly: i "NEVER" (!!) had trouble, to delete every files, with the strangest permissions in all .Trashes!.... but now:

this week i tried to delete the AppleWorks. It's a carbonic Applications, i believe, with two app-files!.... see the result i get, also with activated superuser account on all levels!!!:

[localhost:/Users/Me/.Trash] root# rm -Rf *
rm: AppleWorks 6: Operation not permitted
rm: AppleWorks Operation not permitted
rm: AppleWorks Operation not permitted
rm: AppleWorks AppleWorks Dateien: Operation not permitted
rm: AppleWorks Directory not empty
rm: AppleWorks Operation not permitted
rm: AppleWorks Operation not permitted
rm: AppleWorks AppleWorks Dateien: Operation not permitted
rm: AppleWorks Directory not empty
rm: AppleWorks Directory not empty
rm: AppleWorks Directory not empty
[localhost:/Users/Me/.Trash] root#

in another .Trashes folder on another partition there is in a "502" and "503"-directory:
[localhost:OPENSTORE L3 Paket/shopdemoL3/scripts] root# ll
total 152
drwxr-xr-x 8 me unknown 228 Sep 26 02:03 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 me unknown 92 Sep 26 02:03 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 me unknown 20470 Dec 5 2000 cart.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 me unknown 10423 Dec 7 2000 cart2.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 me unknown 869 Dec 5 2000 dobuy.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 me unknown 762 Nov 26 2000 item1.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 me unknown 485 Nov 26 2000 item2.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 me unknown 15599 Dec 2 2000 items.js
[localhost:OPENSTORE L3 Paket/shopdemoL3/scripts] root# rm -Rf *
rm: cart.js: Operation not permitted
rm: cart2.js: Operation not permitted
rm: dobuy.js: Operation not permitted
rm: item1.js: Operation not permitted
rm: item2.js: Operation not permitted
rm: items.js: Operation not permitted
[localhost:OPENSTORE L3 Paket/shopdemoL3/scripts] root#

(remark: he don't tells me in all cases, that i have no permission, he tells me: not permitted!!!! .... me, as superuser!!!)

what the hell is there going on??? *wonder*.... somewhere in these folders are files that ending with .js ...... so i think, some java stuff (i don't know java) is linked to somewhat, but then, what is with the other empty folders?.....

please Help!!! empty the trash is for me now a procedure what endures 1 minute and click about 20 times "continue".....
äh... i own still Mac OSX 10.0.4... on one partition, OS 9.2.1 on another and a Data-Volume
God willing this will go in a faq some place... but its probably because the files are locked.... don't ask me why they are locked, but that is a very very very common error i see people make all the time.

If you have the dev tools installed you can use /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a l <filename> to unlock them... this would allow you do do lots of files because you can just do:
/Developer/Tools/SetFile -a l ~/.Trash/*
and unlock all of the files in .Trash. Its not recursive though so you will have to go into each sub directory to unlock them as well, or you can manually go though each file in the finder and unlock them.
no, thats not!!!! they re all unlocked!!!.... and i was the one, who unlocked them, system seemed to have locked them!... especially the files in the (which are in a carbon and a cocoa version in one).... i tried everything, what i said, and what you said!!! nothing uses!!!

look at mac osx hints site, theres somthing about it there. one reason is that OS X wont delete files created in 9, you have to change the flags, its nothing to do with locked files.i cant remember the command but its like: choug something.
also, there is a script available buy the guy who makes transparent dock which will go into the trash and unlock all files, handy.
search versiontracker for transparent dock and you'll find his site.
by the way, its fixed in 10.1 i think, at least it seems to be, theres nothing i cant delete just as admin.
If they are not locked, could you atleast give us a listing of the flags on the files? Do this to one of the files it won't delete:
/Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo <file_name>

That may help us give you an answer, because you have exausted all the possiblities I can thing of off the top of my head.
I had a similar problem with OmniWeb when I tried to trash it. It wasn't the locking flags or any other flag I could find.

I couldn't delete it in OS 9 because my .Trash folder wouldn't show up.

From OS X I finally made a folder called "dummy" and moved the .Trash folder to it:
% [b]cd ~[/b]
% [b]mkdir dummy[/b]
% [b]mv .Trash dummy/[/b]
Now is OS 9 I could delete the dummy folder and finally the bad trashed files would go away.

Good luck.

well, at first the FileInfo (LordOphidian) from one of the files here:

[localhost:AppleWorks] root# /Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo Clips
file: "Clips"
type: "fdrp"
creator: "MACS"
attributes: AvbstcLInmd
created: 05/31/2001 19:00:00
modified: 06/17/2001 10:00:00
[localhost:AppleWorks] root#

then i used the commands from testuser and the result was:


but.... *hihi*..... then the shock came: by empty the trash from Aqua it sayd:

"The procedure could'nt been terminated, because of one or more needed objects wasn't found (Error -43)"...

*uch*.... funny.... i really don't think, that there was really important system-files.... but is this appleworks so highrated, that it is running on topper level as my root?.... i just can believe, that this is something, like brodie sayd: "Files from OS 9 : and Appleworks is a double-system application : that there were some "flags" wrong!...

by the way, thanks :).... but what is a flag??? (wether GetFileInfo, nor ls -l shows me something like a flag... )

i have an input: this second error (by empty the trash from Aqua).... could it be, that there are some system-environment-variables, that finds AppleWorks so important, that tey point to the files still (after deleting), and sends me this error by this way?:

"The procedure could'nt been terminated, because of one or more needed objects wasn't found (Error -43)"
Originally posted by tazmandevil
well, at first the FileInfo (LordOphidian) from one of the files here:

[localhost:AppleWorks] root# /Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo Clips
file: "Clips"
type: "fdrp"
creator: "MACS"
attributes: AvbstcLInmd
created: 05/31/2001 19:00:00
modified: 06/17/2001 10:00:00
[localhost:AppleWorks] root#

Ok, well from the flags on that file (aka attributes), the file is locked. Notice the uppercase 'L', that is the locked flag (Apple decided to make things hard and have lower case be that the flag is turned off and uppercase be that it is turned on). I have no idea though why unlocking them from the finder didn't undo that.

As for the error later when you tried to empty the trash, I have gotten that some times after I deleted things from the trash trough the command line, no idea what causes it but I just ignored it and after a few times emptying things from the trash it just whent away.

btw, ls -l shows you the normal bsd flags, the -rwxrwxrwx are the bsd (unix) flags. Apple calls them attributes, and some unix users call them flags (me included) and some call them other things, but they are just some meta data on the file that says what is and is not allowed to happen to the file, and some info about the file.
ah, that flags :)... yes, i thought, they call permission, schutzbits. Okay!...

hmmm.... i believe also, that the second error should go after a while, after a few newstarts and after a few new installations... (or something) .... :)

in 10.1 then, this problem should be cleaned, i read! fine :)....

a point more, to get 10.1! :)....