Error Connecting Problem, Please take a look


My father is having the same problem with his 2 ibooks (10.3.9 osx w/ updated airport software). We have a belkin wireless router. Right now we have our Imac plugged directly into the router, as well as my Dell PC. My PowerbookG4 works fine, so does my brothers. My dad's two ibooks work fine at his office (I think they have a base station there) but not at home with this setup. It says "Error Connecting to "Blah" like everyone elses. It has no MAC Address Filtering, or a WEP. I tried to Set the MAC Filtering, I added my dad's iBook to the list, still didn't work. I tried assigning a WEP to the router, and I'm still getting the same error. Its weird cause my friend has the same ibook, but his airport works (only difference is his has OS 10.4.5 on it). Do you think the OS is what is causing the error? I've also tried resetting the router, still no success. This is really bothering me because my dad needs to use his laptops wirelessly. I know there are other posts on this same topic, but no one seems to be solving it. If his computer is plugged in directly, it does work. It's just the airport that doesn't. He bought a new airport card, which came in today and we're still having the same problems.. Please help.