Error when trying to connect to a PC


I am trying to connect to the Windows PC in my livingroom from my Mac. I go to Go - Connect to server... and then type in: smb://IPAddress/SharedDocs. I get an Error code -36. It says "The Finder cannot complete the operation becauses some data in smb://IPAddress/SharedDocs could not be read or written. I am running OS X 10.4.7 What am I doing wrong? Is there something I can do to fix the error and connect to the PC?

I appreciate the help! Thank you very much.
What is the OS version on the Windows PC?

If XP, have you tried turning Simple File Sharing off, creating a new share, and mounting that on your Mac? Error code -36 is an I/O error, according the Apple Web site. Someone else might have more experience with this error, however.

If you are trying to mount to the standard shared docs folder in XP, I wonder if that could be an issue. I've never tried to mount that one, but I just did, and I got error code -43 ("not found"). I have Simple File Sharing turned off, because I like to create lots of shares and store different things in them to keep things more organized than is probably necessary.