Error While Clean Installing Tiger


Hello everyone, I am new to the forums. I have been a long time mac user and this is one problem I can not come about to fix. So I am asking for your help. My friend has a G5 he bough back in '04. The other day he decided to do a clean install of Tiger which he just got from his work. So he went out and bought a bigger SATA HD that is 250GB instead of his old 100GB. So he went in a formatted via DiskUtility and it said it was all fine. So he started the installation and about 99.9% done, it says "Finishing Installation". So right then and there, it says "Installation can not be completed and will now restart." So it restarts and he comes back to installation to redo it all over again. No system installed. He went out and bought new RAM and all that good stuff. No luck. This happens both with Panther and Tiger installation. Here is what the log says:

: April 10th 2007 ; 13:50
: Install Failed
: Error detected
: Name: NSGenericException
: Reason: Target volume is damaged and cannot be repaired by the installer

Please let me know if any of you know of a solution. We have done everything possible that we are aware of. I have even contacted my friend at Apple to help out, but he has no clue either. He directed me here. Let me know.

Use Disk Utility to Repair Disk while booted off the installer disc, then try an install.
I would try and exchange the Tiger DVD at the Apple store and see if a new disc will install.

Otherwise try and install on a different hard drive.
Why replace the Tiger DVD? The error _obviously_ points to an error with the harddrive which he tries to install on, not with the Tiger DVD. I'd replace the harddrive instead.
Both items have been replaced and Apple is puzzled. He doesn't want to pay 300$ for Apple to tell him that he has a problem that we are aware of now.
We went to the Apple store and they replaced the CD. He has bought 2 new drives and no luck on any of them.


What about the original copy of Tiger, the one you say "he got from his work", was it a retail version or a setup disk for another computer?
