Error window in the middle of the screen?!?


My g/f just got a wierd error window in the middle of the screen saying in several languages that she had to turn off the puter and restart it.
No other msg:s, no options, no telling why.

She was working in Word at the time.
I just hope its not a virus thingy or sumtin.

Anyone had this before happening?
Whats it all about?!?

This is the new improved(?) Kernel Panic.

The text that you normally would have seen across the screen in an old kernel panic should have been entered into a crash log in /Library/Logs/CrashReporter.
All she was doing was cutting text from mail msg:s and pasting in Word documents. The msg:s were long (some about 3 pages) but that shouldnt really matter, should it?
Mabye her clipboard freaked out or sumtin :)

Of course, thats my first thought but she insists on using it (for work) since shes got so much stuff put in the program so what to do! could (*wispered*) be sumtin else.

Btw, Ive heard about these Kernel panics...what are they actually?
The same as a "PeeCee-bluescreen of death"?
A system fake cardial arrest?
Something to get frantic over?

See...this thingys never happend to me :D
