

Ok so i have a new computer. And i want to move the files from my G3 tower to my TiBook. I hook them up with an ethernet cable then...what? How come they cant see each other?

ethernet cables connect a CPU to a hub.

to connect a CPU to a CPU you need a different wiring setup in the cable, it's called a crossover cable.

If you're in central PA, stop by, I'll make one for you. I've got about 600' of cable that I'm not using here.
Crossover eigh? Well the next time, or if i ever am, in PA i'll stop by and get one. But for now i gotta go get one around here.

When was the last time you saw someone who didn't know what a crossover cable was, but had an RJ-45 crimper?

No offense, I know you were just trying to be helpful. But I couldn't help but laugh!
I now have a crossover cable and i got it to work. But only after 15 minutes of trying. This should be soooo easy. But its not! And i was talking to a friend, who is the biggest mac fan i know, told me that an ethernet cable should work because the G4 is smart enough. Does anyone know where i can find a great tutorial on how to connect two macs? I saw one at apple but it wasn't perfect. I mean i need networking two Macs (under OS X) for dummies.

Not that i'm a dummy i just have no networking experience.

u shouldnt need to buy a crossover ethernet cable! the macs ethernet cards are smart enough to find out by themselves whether its a direct or a hub connection.
maybe u just need to turn on ur appletalk/filesharing. :)
I must have a dumb ethernet card...

My macs don't see each-other with a straight cable, only cross-over cables allow cpu <--> cpu connection.
You need a crossover cable. Period. I'm assuming your using X on both systems? Go to the Network pane in System Preferences and create a new Location called Crossover on both systems. Make this the active location on both as well. From the Show drop-down select active network ports. Uncheck everything but ethernet built-in. Configure the IPs manually. Give machine 1 IP and machine 2 . Give both Subnet Mask and router address . Enable Sharing on old system (or both for that matter). Should be able to connect to either machine from the other via Go:Connect to Server... (or cmd+k) and entering the IP of the machine you want to connect to.

Dunno, works for me.

I could not get the auto sensing to work in OS X when not using a crossover cable. I have had it work in OS 9 with only the newest Macs.
Cybergoober has the best advice with manually assigning IP connections in the 10.0.0.x range.
Get a switch, not a hub, when you do purchase one.
Thanks cybergoober I'll try that as soon as i get my TiBook issues all figured out. It seems like i may be chaning TiBooks

Have you turned File Sharing On on one of the computers?

If you're in OS X try turning on Apple Talk too.

If connecting OS X to OS 9 go through the Network Broswer App because you'll probably need TCP/IP connection. The chooser might not see that.

And if in OS 9 make sure TCP/IP control panel is set to EtherNet as the connection type. And in OS X enable the Ethernet port.

You can set OS 9 to have DHCP and Ethernet and so long as OS X has an IP (just make one up) OS X will give OS 9 an IP.

I have it working on a 7300/200 running OS X 10.1 and a G3 PowerBook 500 FW running OS 9 (or X when I want). And they connect every time.

The TiBook does have an auto sensing Ethernet port - but it won't turn on File Sharing for you!
Originally posted by cybergoober
You need a crossover cable. Period. I'm assuming your using X on both systems? Go to the Network pane in System Preferences and create a new Location called Crossover on both systems. Make this the active location on both as well. From the Show drop-down select active network ports. Uncheck everything but ethernet built-in. Configure the IPs manually. Give machine 1 IP and machine 2 . Give both Subnet Mask and router address . Enable Sharing on old system (or both for that matter). Should be able to connect to either machine from the other via Go:Connect to Server... (or cmd+k) and entering the IP of the machine you want to connect to.

Dunno, works for me.


It worked. And so easy! That was exactly what i needed. Ohh and and ethernet cable worked just fine. I didn't need a crossover cable. My TiBook is just smart i guess.

Thanks So Much!

My bad on the crossover cable thing. Wasn't aware of the smart ethernet with the TiBook (/me slaps forehead). I'll have to give that a shot. Firing up my Ti right now.

Glad those settings worked for ya!

I have been using a G3 with a Laserwriter 8500 on localtalk - No problems under OS9.1. Then I graduated to OSX - specifically 10.1.3 - and my printing problems started. Localtalk would not work - I could not figure out the appletalk config AT ALL. Someone suggested a CrossOver Cable. Using this, I set up Ethernet under 9.1 and migrated to 10.1 - it worked fine until I had to revert to 9.1 - then the Appletalk crashed, does not want to know Ethernet, and I am left without use of a printer using the Crossover. If I go back to localtalk, i Cannot work under 10.1
Can Anyone help with correct config? I tried everything from ZAPPING, Motherboard Resetting, Desktop Resetting, Deleting Appletalk Preferences, you name it.... no joy