Okay... I just *love* starting these type of threads.
Now that all of you have had your little "take" on America, let's turn the tables to the EU.
Entertain me for awhile... Let's take a look at Bible Prophecy... never mind if you believe the Bible or not...
For those American's not UP on everything... the EU is the European Union. While we were worried over who would be president, the EU just had a nice little Constitution signing party in Rome on Oct 29th. Following, Javier Solona, who has been happily working his way to the top introduced a new 7-page peace plan to help establish peace between the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The Bible prophecized many moons ago that Israel would at some point in time become a nation again. In 1948, after almost 2000 years of not existing, Israel was re-born. It also says that that generation would see the coming of Christ.
We also find in the Bible that Isreal makes a 7-year peace convenant with the beast or anti-Christ. The beast is called the "Revived Roman Empire". Interestingly, we don't really see the USA in end-times prophecy, that could be because of a number of different reasons... that either a) from Israel's perspective for endtimes prophecy, that the USA doesn't matter, it's not an enemy of Israel... or something happens and the USA is no longer a factor. Many theories and ideas abound, but that is not the point of this discussion.
Let's take a look at an old testament prophecy concerning the 70th week of Daniel (Daniel 7:7-8, "After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts."
So, what is the meaning of all this? Well, as with most things in the Bible, this is not the only thing that references end time events and through other writings in the Bible. Basically, to make a long story short, the fourth beast is the Revived Roman Empire, the other "beasts" have already come talked about in earlier verses. The beast has 10 horns... which are generally accepted as 10 nations. The little horn is seen as the anti-christ.
We also know that in the end times, Israel makes a convent with the beast/anti-christ, a 7-year agreement. Now, you might say, how did anyone know way back then that a) Israel would cease to exist, b) that Israel would after 2000 years come back, and that c) they would be in need of peace, meaning they have a enemy banging on their doors constantly? Well, hey, I could make the conclusion, but then that would spoil it.
The European Union was made of of 10 primary countries. Recently, I believe they have added like 25 addition (or a total of 25) countries, but these all have less power or influence. (Im not a big follower of the EU stuff, but probably more so than most Americans). Now, here is Javier Solona who just recently got the title of Foriegn Minister and he was like a High Representative or something up until just recently. This guy's power was given by Recomendation 666, part of the EU Constitution. Interestly the Bible says the number of his name (the antichrist) is 666. Coincidence?
Notice the Bible verse I quoted above... THREE HORNS where pulled out by their roots. Now, Solona (possible small horn) have some issues to deal with, after all... (check out this news story) Germany, France and Britian don't really want to surender their power or influence to the EU, unless of course they control it. But Solona has other ideas. Interestingly, another article out today fears that France may not ratify the new Constitution. This would be BAD news for the EU. All these countries are suppose to get the ratification process done over the next 2 years or by the end of 2006. The EU's financial cycle beings Jan 1, 2007 and is well, a 7 year period. (hmmmm). There is a big push by Solona to get the Israel-Palestine issue in place by the time Jan 1, 2007 rolls around to be on the 7 year budget. The article went on to say that any country that doesn't ratify might as well, not be part of the EU.
So, which THREE orginal HORNS will be uprooted by the small horn?
I have read Germany might be one of the first to ratify... I don't think Britian has even taken on the Euro as a currancy... so I have no idea where they stand on the EU Constituation.
Of course... this is only touching the ice-berg... you have other "odd" things like the EU Parliment building (one of two I believe) in France is mimic'd after that Tower of Babel. That seems a little odd. For those clueless, when men built the tower of babel before, God destroyed Babylon and confused the languages and dispelled everyone. Yea, quit babelling!! you make no sense!
Alright... so... obviously, for the skeptic, this is not nearly enough information to prove anything... but seems kinda odd don't you think? All this happening before our eyes...

Entertain me for awhile... Let's take a look at Bible Prophecy... never mind if you believe the Bible or not...
For those American's not UP on everything... the EU is the European Union. While we were worried over who would be president, the EU just had a nice little Constitution signing party in Rome on Oct 29th. Following, Javier Solona, who has been happily working his way to the top introduced a new 7-page peace plan to help establish peace between the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The Bible prophecized many moons ago that Israel would at some point in time become a nation again. In 1948, after almost 2000 years of not existing, Israel was re-born. It also says that that generation would see the coming of Christ.
We also find in the Bible that Isreal makes a 7-year peace convenant with the beast or anti-Christ. The beast is called the "Revived Roman Empire". Interestingly, we don't really see the USA in end-times prophecy, that could be because of a number of different reasons... that either a) from Israel's perspective for endtimes prophecy, that the USA doesn't matter, it's not an enemy of Israel... or something happens and the USA is no longer a factor. Many theories and ideas abound, but that is not the point of this discussion.
Let's take a look at an old testament prophecy concerning the 70th week of Daniel (Daniel 7:7-8, "After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts."
So, what is the meaning of all this? Well, as with most things in the Bible, this is not the only thing that references end time events and through other writings in the Bible. Basically, to make a long story short, the fourth beast is the Revived Roman Empire, the other "beasts" have already come talked about in earlier verses. The beast has 10 horns... which are generally accepted as 10 nations. The little horn is seen as the anti-christ.
We also know that in the end times, Israel makes a convent with the beast/anti-christ, a 7-year agreement. Now, you might say, how did anyone know way back then that a) Israel would cease to exist, b) that Israel would after 2000 years come back, and that c) they would be in need of peace, meaning they have a enemy banging on their doors constantly? Well, hey, I could make the conclusion, but then that would spoil it.
The European Union was made of of 10 primary countries. Recently, I believe they have added like 25 addition (or a total of 25) countries, but these all have less power or influence. (Im not a big follower of the EU stuff, but probably more so than most Americans). Now, here is Javier Solona who just recently got the title of Foriegn Minister and he was like a High Representative or something up until just recently. This guy's power was given by Recomendation 666, part of the EU Constitution. Interestly the Bible says the number of his name (the antichrist) is 666. Coincidence?
Notice the Bible verse I quoted above... THREE HORNS where pulled out by their roots. Now, Solona (possible small horn) have some issues to deal with, after all... (check out this news story) Germany, France and Britian don't really want to surender their power or influence to the EU, unless of course they control it. But Solona has other ideas. Interestingly, another article out today fears that France may not ratify the new Constitution. This would be BAD news for the EU. All these countries are suppose to get the ratification process done over the next 2 years or by the end of 2006. The EU's financial cycle beings Jan 1, 2007 and is well, a 7 year period. (hmmmm). There is a big push by Solona to get the Israel-Palestine issue in place by the time Jan 1, 2007 rolls around to be on the 7 year budget. The article went on to say that any country that doesn't ratify might as well, not be part of the EU.
So, which THREE orginal HORNS will be uprooted by the small horn?
I have read Germany might be one of the first to ratify... I don't think Britian has even taken on the Euro as a currancy... so I have no idea where they stand on the EU Constituation.
Of course... this is only touching the ice-berg... you have other "odd" things like the EU Parliment building (one of two I believe) in France is mimic'd after that Tower of Babel. That seems a little odd. For those clueless, when men built the tower of babel before, God destroyed Babylon and confused the languages and dispelled everyone. Yea, quit babelling!! you make no sense!
Alright... so... obviously, for the skeptic, this is not nearly enough information to prove anything... but seems kinda odd don't you think? All this happening before our eyes...