Originally posted by muthax
Does anyone know how to import mail and settings into 5.1 ? It will do it only for OTHER programs, not for OS 9 Eudora, and in OS 9 the settings and mail are stored in a folder inside System. How would it work for OS X ?
It is described in the ReadMe. Relevant portions quoted below. I especially like the very last part, you can use the same Eudora folder for both X and OS 9.1!
Due to the fact that OS X is a major change in the operating system, it is necessary for you
to manually move your "Eudora Folder" (which contains all your mail, settings, Address Books,
signatures, etc.) to the appropriate location on your OS X partion/drive. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Locate your old Eudora Folder. This is typically found in one of two places; the System Folder or
the Documents folder of your pre-OS X system. If you cannot find it, use Sherlock to find a folder
called "Eudora Folder" (without the quotes).
2. Locate your OS X "Documents" folder for your user under OS X. This is typically located here:
"<Computer Name>/<drive name>/Users/<your user name>/Documents"
3. Copy/move the Eudora Folder from step 1 to the Documents folder located in step 2. Now when
you launch the OS X version of Eudora, it will locate your existing Eudora Folder and will load your
settings, mail, Address Book etc. from there. If for some reason, you do not want to move the Eudora Folder,
see step 4 for information on using aliases to accomplish the same thing.
Note: Do not move your "Eudora Application Folder", which contains the previous Eudora application
and other files that are specific to previous OS versions.
4. Using aliases instead of moving your Eudora Folder.
If, for some reason (lack of disk space, etc.), you do not want to move the Eudora Folder from your
pre-OS X drive/partition to your OS X drive/partition, you can make an alias of your existing
Eudora Folder (from step 1) and place the ALIAS in the OS X "Documents" folder (from step 2).
The alias MUST be called "Eudora Folder" (without the quotes, no trailing spaces or 'alias').
When you launch Eudora under OS X, Eudora will resolve the alias and load your settings and
mail, etc. from your previous location.
Warning: If you choose to use an alias to a Eudora Folder on a previous drive, then later decide to
reformat or otherwise erase files from the previous drive, be sure not to delete the Eudora Folder as
all your mail will be lost. Don't call us if you accidentally delete your mail in this way
Aliases also work the other way around. You can move the Eudora Folder to your OS X Documents
folder, then make an alias of it there and put the alias back where your original Eudora Folder was
located (step 1). This will allow Eudora to access your OS X Eudora Folder even if you boot from a previous
operating system (eg. OS 9.1).