eudora: text of emails lost


I have lost meaningful contents of my all my email messages. The messages still exist, however the text for all of my emails looks something like this:

328497 590819 331058
590819 501762 331058
501762 590819 331664

Typically, there is about 50 lines of this stuff.

Associated events at the time of this loss: System preferences was hanging, would not respond. Ditto for bluetooth capability. At shutdown, the computer recommended a files/disk optimisation -- but it went on and on and on. Had to force the computer to shut down. In the end, I lost my email messages contents, and system preferences. Easy to fix sys. prefs -- but I don't know how to restore my emails.

I am running a Powerbook G4 with OS X 10.4.4

Please -- do you have any ideas, suggestions to help me fix this problem?

I'm operating on a PowerBook G4 OS X 10.3.9
i have experienced same problem as you.. Have you found solution and did your problem look anything like mine:

how do you restore old preferences?

Last week I tried to download a DMG file. Nothing seemed to happen and i couldn't find where the file had been placed. On Sunday night I went to play some songs from itunes. My intunes folder apparently seemed to be erased. But everything else was normal. I looked at my shared folder and it didn't show where the files were, and my hard drive space didn't reflect the loss of files.

I made fateful error of restarting my computer. When I restarted my computer it erased all my preferences and duplicated my identity and put my old hard drive in shared folder. Also all the security had been turned off. It also either erased, or hid all of my address book, contact info, and emails that i used through entourage. I have tried to rebuild data base and find the text files to no avail. Either they are well hidden or deleted. I ran norton on my computer and found nothing. I did manage to find all my intues stuff as an invisible folder.

When I looked at my CPU log it seems alot of these changes were made about 12:30am on Feb 3rd. Does it seem like a third party was was operating my computer from outside source? It specifically said something about Entourage ACMUtext files being depracated?

Unfortunately none of my entourage identities or address book were backed up. so i am frantically looking for them. Also my computer seems to have about ten giga bytes less space than it did two days ago.

Whats Going on!!!!
It was only my eudora files that were lost. I have been unable to recover them; I have resigned myself to the fact that, somehow, I have corrupted these files. Luckily, I haven't damaged anything else.

I'm sorry -- I'm still quite new with macs. And so, I cannot offer any advice to help with your situation. Good luck! and best regards.