Europe and Asia to wait for miniPod


Doctoral Student
I am too lazy too look for the story again, but I think it was on or Rhe Register.
Basically due to the demand in the US, they have delayed shipments to Europe and Asia by an additional 3 months so they can fulfill the demand in the US.
Bad news for us living abroad.
I suppose in the scheme of things that's a good problem to have - "People are buying too many!!", though it stinks for folks not in the US.

However, I'd be surprised if there aren't at least a few US vendors willing to ship overseas, and especially with the US exchange rate right now the price may not be bad at all =)

A link to one of the stories is here:
European and Asian music fans hoping to get their hands on Apple's iPod Mini sooner rather than later are going to be disappointed. The Mac maker today admitted that it has delayed the portable music player's debut until July - three months after the original April ship-date.

US customers have been so keen to get their hands on the 102g, 9 x 5 x 1.3cm player that Apple has already reached its end-of-June sales target. It hopes to ramp up its manufacturing in the July quarter, the company said, enabling it to begin selling the product overseas.
I feel really bad that Apple again has under produced a product. It's good that Apple has already reach June sales figures but this is becoming typical of Apple lately.

I know a lot of people here will now bash me because I believe Apple is seriously hurting themselves in the last 2 years. They hurt themselves because of lost sales because they don't produce enough of ANY given product they sell. To me it looks like Apple is trying a "Just in Time" inventory plan, but it is not working! For posters on this board (as well as others) the showing of new goods, then delaying shipping, is becoming an old tiresome game. Even if Apple announced new G5's tomorrow, consumers would have to wait another two months just to buy one (then Mac users outside the US will have to wait 4-6 months). In my book, that is seriously hurting possible revenue.
Hey - anyone in UK or Ireland or other Europe wants iPod minis in June? *cough* I might bring a few on demand... *cough* .. Apple was supposed to start selling then in UK in April. Guess not then..
I don't disagree at all, a LOT of people were upset and in some cases treated fairly badly during the G5 supply problems recently, as well as PowerBook problems not so long ago, etc. I'm wondering, though, how much of it was under Apple's control, and how much was due to vendor problems/delays/shortcomings (think, how fast could IBM supply PPC 970? How fast can the new, smaller, HDs for the iPod mini be produced/aquired by Apple?)
its unacceptable!!! july ???
i really want an ipod mini... so im either gonna buy one through a friend at the states (that is IF he finds one) ..... or apple have probably lost 1 ipod mini customer... SHAME on u apple !!! :p
I don't believe a word of it. They just don't like the exchange rate. I can almost imagine the guy at the brainstorming meeting; "so we'll make a smaller iPod, our profit margin won't be much but hey its ok - we can screw the europeans over again! I mean, whats the worst that could happen, its not like we're going to elect some good ol' boy who'll drive the economy into the ground and make the dollar worth less than a watermelon seed, right?" Wrong, Bob, wrong.
I'm not waiting anymore, I'll get something else.
Why blame Apple when it's a drive supply issue? The makers of the HD units can;t keep up with the demand, not Apple.
Here's a story from Reuters.

"We're actually consuming just about all the 4 gigabyte, 1-inch drives they make. As they make more, we'll get more," said Greg Joswiak, Apple's vice president of hardware product marketing. Hitachi expects to boost production to meet customer demand, Hitachi Storage Technologies Chief Executive Jun Naruse told Reuters.
I have already seen 6 ipod minis here in Scotland (Glasgow Area) one of which is mine, another person in my school of just over 1400 has one and my friend has just "ordered/won" one on ebay! If apple doesnt hurry up and release them in the UK then nearly every1 that wants one, will have bought one (via ebay etc etc.) as is allready happening. Especialy with the good exchange rate at the moment. You could prpbably buy won now and not only get it 2 (now apears to be 4) months early but you will probably also get it for less £. Then apple wonder why there wont be such a rush to buy them when they are released over here! Anyone that desprate can just order one from the US. Its amazing how many auctions on ebay alone there are avalible/targeted at the UK several pages of just iPod mini's. Im now glad that I bought mine when I did. I "won" my auction at the end of Jan and seller pre ordered mine for me - I even had it angraved, he got it on the 20th of Feb and I had it here in the UK on the 26th - Must have been one of the first in the country. :)
[Sarcasm] Yeah. Well, they'll probably be available in time for christmas time 2004. And not to forget: There's also no iTMS Europe, so why bother? [/Sarcasm]
Your sarcasm seems to be implying that iTunesMS Europe will be available by Christmas...

(out of curiosity, which music stores DO sell to Europe, including now Wal-Mart?
Hardly any here in the UK the only one that seems redily avalible id but looks so confusing and as I am told when I enter the page - I am using a mac so I can listen to music samples but I cannot download or buy music. The strange thig is when I asked around I was told this was because the site uses windows media player - which I already have installed for listening to local internet based radio stations not avalible through iTunes - or at least I cant work out how to get them.... anyway thats the only one that i've hear of here in the UK however legaly downloading music hasnt realy taken off here when people here the radio adverts most of my friends in fact most people remark "why would you want to pay to download music, when you can get it for free?" we havent had the wave off prosecutions to put people off yet! And with the only one most people have hear of and the only one advertising I think it will take a while to take off. iTMS will def. nee to advertise when released to get younger people off of p2p and onto legaly downloading music. I also think that the iPod (and mini when avalible) should be more widly arvertised. I ahve yet to see any iPod adverts on the T.V. I have watched them on but I aint seen none on the box. anywway wayyy of topic. Im luvin my mini and Im glad I bought it (and the extra 1 which I've sold) lol
Isn't the problem with the Euro ITMS's being caused by the respective governments right now? Haven't really kept up with it, but last I heard it was something to do with legal/tax/etc type issues.
jobsen_ski said:
I also think that the iPod (and mini when avalible) should be more widly arvertised. I ahve yet to see any iPod adverts on the T.V. I have watched them on but I aint seen none on the box. anywway wayyy of topic. Im luvin my mini and Im glad I bought it (and the extra 1 which I've sold) lol

No adds on UK TV? They're on all the time. makes me smile every time i see those groovy dancers and the five flavours (or however many) backgrounds. I'm pretty sure there have been two different ones with different songs (maybe even 3?).

I rarely say this, but you need to watch more tv. :D
ora said:
No adds on UK TV? They're on all the time. makes me smile every time i see those groovy dancers and the five flavours (or however many) backgrounds. I'm pretty sure there have been two different ones with different songs (maybe even 3?).

I rarely say this, but you need to watch more tv. :D

what chanels do you watch because I watch alot and I mean alot of TV 1 besdie my comp so about 6hrs a day! lol
mayb you watch different chanels and I think there are 2 diff. adverts in UK i've only seen 2 dif. types on the website anyway... I know 1's Hey mamma black eyed peas duno bout the other tho...