European AppleStores down!

iMac 17"
G5 1,8 GHz
512 MB Ram
ATI Radeon 9600 (128 MB mem)
Combo-drive (24x burning)
Price: 1.269 Euro

iMac 17"
G5 2,0 GHz
512 MB Ram
ATI Radeon 9600 (128 MB mem)
Superdrive (Dual Layer)
Price (germany): 1.469 Euro

iMac 20"
G5 2,0 GHz
512 MB Ram
ATI Radeon 9600 (128 MB mem)
Superdrive (Dual Layer)
Price (germany): 1.759 Euro
What a great update. With the additional HD,bluetooth,Airport Extreme,Ram and discount on the keyboard and tax savings not to mention VRAM upgrade, I could have saved $400. Very nice upgrade. I think this a great consumer machine for many. Wow, nice going Apple 9 1/2 mice.
some might say this was what the imac g5 should have been from the start - enough ram now, not more, enough. bluetooth should always have been standard - they removed everything and put it in the screen. all you need is a power cord! [ahem. and the keyboard and mouse] it just not right. very good computer now though - i shall tell my nearly-convert (i'm getting closer to getting him to invest :p)
That wasn't it!

eMac 1,42 GHz Combo-Drive for (germany) 779 Euro
80 GB Ultra ATA-HDD
ATI Radeon 9600 with 64 MB DDR VRAM
Internal 56K-Modem

eMac 1,42 GHz SuperDrive for (germany) 979,01 Euro
160 GB Ultra ATA-HDD
ATI Radeon 9600 with 64 MB DDR VRAM
Internal 56K-Modem
I am quite impressed with the iMacG5 new specsand agree with majorBurns it should have been from start. At the same time I feel frustrated.
Only 7 month ago I got mine and paid for the extra ram and airport card.
Now it's got it all plus a hard disk double the size of mine, vram doubled, bluetooth, a faster processor and its about USD 300 cheaper.
And it comes with Tiger and iLife05...GROUMPF!

Serves me right I guess ?
i could say the same about my G5, i got it about the same time as yours. at the end of the day, we buy it then because we need it then - there was absolutely no way i could have done that last 7 months without it.

(if i bought this revision instead, would i still be pissed off when, in 7 months time, an even better one comes out with my equivalent have dual 2.3, 1gb ram standard, 250gb hdd, blue tooth built in, and a really nice radeon 256mb... and iLife '06 :D. possibly. but you can't beat yourselft up about it.)
Lt Major Burns said:
i could say the same about my G5, i got it about the same time as yours. at the end of the day, we buy it then because we need it then - there was absolutely no way i could have done that last 7 months without it.

Rite you are, after all I don't have a "crystal ball" to see it coming.

Anyway I'm good now till mac mini G5 is announced :)