European mac-user are more convinced!

It's normal that men are less paid, because they cannot drive, play soccer... and they have enough work cleaning the home and feeding the whole family, no ?

--[sorry i couldn't resist editing one syllabe chevy... :D -g.].


Average PC - $1000
Average Mac - $1300
V.A.T. - 19.6% :eek:

[Currency: EUR is a bit stronger than USD today, so let's say 1E=$1. ;)]
The following are basic configs and not Ultimate ones...

1770 euros - eMac DVD-R (not the new model)
2545 euros - iMac 1 GHz
2150 euros - iBook 900 MHz
3800 euros - PowerMac Dual 1.42 GHz
4520 euros - PowerBook 17"
670 euros - iPod 30 GB

And if you want the REAL prices here in Greece add at least 200 euros in any of the above configs...

Oh, and the average monthly payments regardless sex is around 550 euros...
Ok, but what do you pay when you drink and eat and such?

In Belgium, average pay is around 1500?, I pay 1,5 for a 33cl beer, 4,5 for a long drink, a packet of 25 ciggies (Gauloises) is 4,20. A Big Mac menu (to say sth, costs around 5 if I'm not mistaken. An audio CD is around 18 or 20.
Originally posted by anerki
Ok, but what do you pay when you drink and eat and such?

In Belgium, average pay is around 1500?, I pay 1,5 for a 33cl beer, 4,5 for a long drink, a packet of 25 ciggies (Gauloises) is 4,20. A Big Mac menu (to say sth, costs around 5 if I'm not mistaken. An audio CD is around 18 or 20.

A coffee costs 3-6 euros
A coke costs 1-1.5 euros
A Mac or similar menu costs 5-7 euros
A Pizza Hut costs 9-13 euros
A night-club entrance costs 15 euros
A movie at Village Park or similar costs 6-8 euros
A pack of cigarettes costs 2.5-4.5 euros
A rent of 80-100 m2 costs 270-sky is the limit euros

Added to many things that we pay here in Greece is the pain in the back of private teaching... In public schools and even in some private schools, students aren't able to learn everything they have to learn (like foreign languages, computers, math, chemistry, etc) so they have to go into "special private" schools or even bring a private teacher at their house!!! The cost? Anything at least between 10-20 euros per hour at home and at least 80-100 euros at "special private" schools per month!!! :mad: And this goes on for 3-6 years for almost each and every student's life!!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad:
Things seem to be cheaper over there except of course school and university, which is practically free. School is, Univeristy is ?500/year and no extra costs except books and such.

But 3-6 for a coffee??? Man .. Coffee here is cheap :) 1-1,5
In sweden it is kind of cheap to live (cuz all school, university and such is free. And all medical stuff and the dentist is also free up to you are twenty). You get a lot for the tax-money (the ones who have no job will never have to starve etc), but if you travel to sweden on your holidays you dont give a damn about the free schools etc, but you still have to pay the taxes so it feels kind of expensive.

But 3-6 for a coffee! :)
I dont drink coffee and i guess you could land on that sum in sweden if you really searched for the most expensive place in the country, but at my university it only costs about 50 eurocent.
I bought my emac (700mhz, no combo) for 1600 euro.
in italy the transition from lire to euros made everything more expensive. officially the inflation was like 3 % or under "except for alimentary products" .. but that's just the official. 1 euro = 1936,27 old lire (just calcolate it 2000 = easier) ... soooo. most cities had a bus ticket that was 1500 before (0,77 e). they rose the price of the ticket ONE DAY before the transition, in the end of 2001 so that isn't in the estimate obviously. so, from 0,77 to 1,00. huh. most cities did that (like 60 minutes urban/center single bus ticket price). coffee (espresso) went from 1500 (0,77) to 0,80 or 0,90 and higher.. newspapers were 1500 (0,77) and they went to 0,90 .. before there wary many small products (plastic kitchenware, cheap toys, kitchen and bathroom ware, whatever) and launches of new magazines that were 1000 (0,52) - all those went to 1,00 - except most new magazines and whatever they sell in the newspaper stand - launches: if they were mostly 1000 (0,52) they went to 2,50 - 5,00 ...uh uh. some estimates on the food were it got 20-30 more pricey, according to a parallel institute that estimated prices.. that was of a consumer association. and it ended up to nearly like war in tv, they and the old, pissed off bosses of the national statistics agency were yelling at each other and wanted to make a denounce.. huh. nuts...
Problem is with Apple prices in Europe (what this was started about):

1) Taxes, we have much more in Europe
2) A little less important but still important, the prices are still calculated with the old dollar I think. When the dollar was worth more than the Euro, now: 1 Euro = 1,13 Dollar ... Profit margins must be quite high for Apple in Europe ;-)
Originally posted by anerki
Profit margins must be quite high for Apple in Europe ;-)

The local European Apple companies... Like here in Greece, Rainbow Computers which is the closest thing to Apple we have here, they charge an additional cost over the supposedly Apple European Euro prices... I don't know... Maybe this is the best thing they can do but hey: We want to pay less for Macs here in Greece like our european Mac brothers :p :D ;)
Apple forbids any store to ask one Euro more over the price in the Apple store. If they go over it, they lose their permit to sell Apple ;)
I was thinking about this issue the other day.

Considering that 1 euro = 1.14 dollars it is becoming feasible to buy from an american reseller.

15'' Powerbook is:
2999 euros in Europe
2299 dollars in USA = 2016 euros!

taxes for importing sum up to about 30% (depending on various variables). If you do the math, it turns out that you can buy a Powerbook for around:

2016 + 30% = 2621 euros!

That is still cheaper than street price... 300 euros less!
I think discriminiting by sex is not forbidden in Italy - and that happens.

Giaguara, WHERE are you from? ::alien::

The minimum wage in Italy is 900 € (cent more cent less) in ANY established company both in the North and in the South.
And discriminating IS strongly forbidden: maybe there is a "lower" glass ceiling for women in Italy than in other countries, but thay cannot be discriminated. Italian workers' unions are among the strongest in the world - highly involved in politics, but strong nevertheless.
And anyway, I don't know ANYBODY - in the North and South alike - who earns 300€ a month. NOBODY. And I'm talking about people of every kind of education and work (of course, they HAVE to be working... 300€ is what you get paid monthly by the Social Security if you are temporarily unemployed but have been continously working for a time - I guess 5 years).

So please, stick to Macs.
Speaking as a Brit, we are used to having the highest prices for most electronic goods, cars, and food etc in the EU. So don't even mention the difference in price between us and the US. The wages in the Uk are not that different from the rest of the EU but our Government won't get off ther collective behinds and join the Euro. Anyway enough ranting :)