ever considered tikiwiki ?


a lot of effort has been put into this site... right?
o well...

but have u guys considered creating a wiki for the community...?

use an opensource solution... tikiwiki !!

i found playing with this wiki thing easy to use and A LOT OF FUN heh

surely everyone would enjoy it.. who knows! this forum could possibly become obsolete, :rolleyes:

so how about a tiki?
what exactly is a wiki? i'd never heard the term until i got x11. i still have no idea of what it is except that it's for communicating in some form.
this is a link to the comlete documentation on the latest tikiwiki as well as an explaination on what it's all about!

and here is a link to a page where u get to try it out:
1: http://alt.thetinfoilhat.com/tiki-index.php?page=SandBox
2: http://alt.thetinfoilhat.com/tiki-index.php?page=ThisIsAnExample

it might not be quite obvious at first, but to try it out you've got to click on the EDIT link at the bottom of the page, heh :p

then just look at the examples or "tryouts" by others, and thus try it out your self.

Have fun!
Another variant is TWiki - http://twiki.org - it's perl/rcs/diff driven, so it doesn't require PHP or a database or whatever...

We use TWiki @ work and it's extremely useful. Looks like tikiwiki is a different project, but with some of the same ideas...
Ed --

I don't think that there's any compelling reason for there to be an 'official' wiki associated with the forums. Arguably, it could be used for things like FAQs/HOWTOs, etc., but for general discussion, it is quite a bit more free-wheeling and open than the forums need to be. Moderation of a wiki would be a complete nightmare given the kinds of threads we've seen in recent months. Also, it's not as simple to follow conversations, nor to post coherently in a threaded fashion.

Now, unofficially, it might be fun to see one come up. If there's any interest, I'd be happy to host one, but I suspect that if it was even mildly successful (read, popular), it would end up duplicating at least some of what goes on here.