every "bugs" i've found


After force quitting the menu bar disappear and reappear if you click in it.

After restarting if there was a cd in the drive the icon doesn't appear on the desktop(the option is checked in finder prefs).

Login window stuck on qwerty mode even if you have chosen french keyboard from the system preferences.

Even if there is no window opened and if you push alt(option) and you go in file menu the article close all windows is available.

If you open a finder window in list mode and you can't see the whole content of the window.
if you push alt(option) while the mouse is in the content part of the window but not over an icon or a text you have a hand that allows you to move the content to see the parts hidden.
Then you'll notice that it isn't redrawn correctly.

When copying files (in this case mp3) from an iso 9660 cd there is no problem but if you try to copy a folder it copies the folder with the first element in the folder and gives an error code -48 even if in the folder there is only one file.

I can't reproduce it as i want to but twice it happens. The first time, i was not on the battery i start up the iBook, after login in i unplugged it, battery monitor was in the dock showing a battery fully charged and i had an alert saying there was only ten minutes left. I checked after in battery monitor : show info panel and it displays 4h 2m remaining.
The second time i just unplugged while there was 0h 4m until full and i had the same alert. But i see that the info panel displayed 0h 6m remaining.
But after it increased until reaching 12h 6m while i was doing nothing.
I must say that the info panel is not very accurate in my opinion.
But i love the fact that it can tell you the time until the battery is full.

IE window after minimizing a window, this window act as if it was only constituted of the title bar, and the content is black, if you change the size the colors come back.

Sometimes the power button do not respond on my iBook.
if i log out then in it works back
i'm not a fool;-), i've sent every things to apple via their feedback pages.
But here are new bugs i've found,
but the point is does mke the same on your macs?

When the user name is asked for modifying some system preference it is not the name defined for the user but the short name.
Then if you want to modify it by going in multiple users and saving the change,
it doesn't apply even after log out then log in.

I've bought my MacOS X beta at apple expo,
but i think it is the cd is the same than the one everyone has bought.
But if i change the language to english the login window stays in french.
I guess it is because during installation i've chosen french language.
And the login screen must be filled with a picture and then during the installation, only the picture with the french writing was installed.
I suppose that if you have mac os X installed using the english language even if you change the language in system prefs the login window will stay in english.

When i copy a picture in preview, and i show the clipboard in the finder, it is empty,
even if there was something before in it.
After force quitting the menu bar disappear and reappear if you click in it.

i don't think this is a bug.. after force-quitting, you really aren't in any app - the force quit dialog is still in front.
yes i know for the trick(i've forgotten to mention it), but it will be confusing for users to see the menu bar disappear. Maybe they could make it appears with one menu where you can close the force quit window.
My purpose there is to tell you what i've found just to know wheater it is only on my mac or on every macs.
Try it on your mac :

When the user name is asked for modifying some system preference it is not the name defined for the user but the short name.
Then if you want to modify it by going in multiple users and saving the change,
it doesn't apply even after log out then log in.

I've bought my MacOS X beta at apple expo,
but i think it is the cd is the same than the one everyone has bought.
But if i change the language to english the login window stays in french.
I guess it is because during installation i've chosen french language.
And the login screen must be filled with a picture and then during the installation, only the picture with the french writing was installed.
I suppose that if you have mac os X installed using the english language even if you change the language in system prefs the login window will stay in english.

When i copy a picture in preview, and i show the clipboard in the finder, it is empty,
even if there was something before in it.

Desktop grid with different folder size : the icon gets on a part of the grid where not the whole icon is visible.
Little icons are separated by big spaces.
After testing it, i assume that the horizontal space between two knots of the grid stays the same for every size of icons.
But the vertical space is calculated dynamically and based on the size of the icons.
If i am not wrong, we can represent this layout like that :
icons are centered on knots, and knots are defined by horizontal lines and vertical lines crossing for instance.
But the spce between two vertical lines doesn't dynamically change with the size of the icons.
At the opposite of the space between two horizontal lines.
This induce the fact, when you consider only the horizontal layout :
that 2 big icons are close to each other, 2 little are far to each other.
But when you look at the vertical : it is perfectly bind to the size of the icons.
This confirm my theory.
Maybe there is a bug in the code for the grid, or is it a wanted feature?
I don't think it is wanted because you end up with a lot of windows' content wasted.
What implies when you have a lot of items in one window that the whole content is not visible.

crash twice with music player while preview was launched and with the key "sound louder F4" and F3.
Mac completely frozen, while the music continues to play.

When renaming an item and the back of the window is not white (for example on the desktop or in a window with a picture or color background), if you erase some characters the square surrounding the name becomes smaller but it leaves some white trail around, if you scroll the window it will disappear.

if you rename an item on the desktop and then undo it, a finder window of the desktop is opened

I was just sending a mail and i quit, it tolds me that it was not sent yet then another message appear to say that it was sent.
I said ok but mail app didn't quit. i used apple-Q and i heard the system sound.I went to the app menu and i saw that quit was written in gray : not available.
But i could do any other stuff in the app like composing and sending another mail.
The only way left to quit was force quitting.

When i was in explorer 5 filling a text box wich was at the very bottom of a window with scrolling bar, i was typing so many sentences that i end up writting without seeing what i was typing because half of the text box was not visible. When i type and it was exactly covered by the scrolling bar it left some artifacts on the scroll bar. Black lines and stuff like that.
Furthermore the window should autoscroll so you can see where you are typing.

When you search for a file, then you want to copy from the window of sherlock to your desktop for instance, you drag the file to the desktop and press alt, the cursor is supposed to have a little + then if you drop it copies.
It works except that the cursor stays the same : No little + or even if you try to alias it by presseing alt-apple while you drag there is no curved arrow appearing next to your cursor.

in ppp connect : authenticating instead of authentificating.

when moving a lot of icons it is so slow

Aliases of TextEdit Document not responding after many use when in the dock.
After log out and then it, it works back.

After attempting to copy a file that already exist from my macOS X partition to my mac OS 9 partition, i said do not replace and the arrow has kept the plus sign on it for quite a moment, after doing some stuff the arrow reverts back to the normal shape.

I've tried this in every apps including finder it seems that it is an aqua "little bug" :
if you have two windows and if the region of the three button of the active one has an intersecftion with the one not active
(for example 2 of the button of the window active are over 2 of the non active window) if you click on one of the button that makes the window disappear(close or minimize) then you're cursor will be over the button of the second window and the signs(x-+) won't be displayed. If you move your mouse just one pixel then the (x-+) will appear.