Everyone Read This!!!!

Amiga was more than an OS, it was a platform. With its own hardware, etc. It was fully multitasking, had some incredible apps and games. It was made by Commodore from 1985-1992. Commodore eventually folded and the technology has passed through the hands of various companies, including Gateway 2000.

In many ways I still feel it is the best computing platform of all time. Right now I don't know what's being done with it. A lot of people have upgraded their Amigas to G3s, etc. The platform is based on the Motorola chipset, and ran neck-in-neck in speed competitions with Macs, and won - even at running Mac software in the popular Mac emulator Emplant!!! Commodore was not licensed on to use the PowerPC chips though, when they came out, though people have later upgraded them as I said.

I've abandoned the platform for the Mac because I was tired of being "the weird guy." And now I'm still "the weird guy." And now I don't care...
Originally posted by Kazrog
Amiga was more than an OS, it was a platform. With its own hardware, etc. It was fully multitasking, had some incredible apps and games. ... In many ways I still feel it is the best computing platform of all time.

It also crashed a lot, had a terribly lousy basic look & feel, backwards compatibility was strange (software that did run well with Workbench 1.2 ROMS suddenly didn't run with 1.3 or 2.0 ROMS or the like) and basically you were on your own and your friends - couldn't expect patches or the like from Commodore.

Believe me: Whatever made the Amiga a good platform at the time (and I've used several of them back then) - it doesn't matter anymore. Atari ST was *the* platform for MIDI, but since there simply is *no* new hardware, worse platforms slowly take the place of those old grey (not beige) boxes.

Let's say goodbye to dead platforms. There you go DOS (finally), Atari ST, Amiga, Acorn RISC (all good computer brands were A-something ;)) ...

And let's choose the best of what's left. And that's Apple (and there's a reason it's still alive and well).
no doubt about it that macs are the ONLY choice! It is always fun to look back and just see how far we have come. Which reminds me, I have an old 1984 Macintosh that works great still to this day! Does anyone have any screenshots of the amiga or nextstep for that matter?
I've still got an Amiga 3000, which was the best hardware Commodore ever made. The 2000 comes in second. I haven't put in a G3, but I could. However I have a 40 MHz 68040, 48 megs of ram, a 2 gig hd and a 24-bit display. Also has an ethernet card, zip drive (reads PC and Mac disks), 2 floppy drives (HD reads PC and Mac, LD reads PC), CD ROM and my old Deskjet 500. I can transfer files over ethernet with my G4 (10.1) easily (FTP).

The OS is version 3.9 which is very nice. Not quite as logical as Mac OS (9 or 10), but better than Windows. Amigas have several workspaces, determined by the programs and can run in several resolutions at once. If you haven't seen that, you won't believe it if I told you. Basically you can scroll a screen down to uncover the screen behind it. You can also use keystrokes to swap screens. It truly multitasks, much better than OS 9 or any version of Windows I've ever seen. You can even boot into the GUI using a floppy disk! There's lots more if any one is interested.:cool:
If they never make the iPod work with PCs then we will soon see the MS xPod that will seek to copy the iPod but miss many of the subtle design characteristics that Apple pays so much attention to.
bill gates would probably like it better that way anyway, he could controll the media going into it...no more MP3. Its that or they write a hack for the wmplayer. Whatever, they suck! They get away with murder, I think this anti trust case is all bull! Where's the split-up? Talk about a bias judge!

I just read the article. I have heard all this since my first Mac in 1989. Having a dichotic fan base goes with the territory and is nothing new. The "upset" fans always speak the loudest and get the most attention. Unfortunately that adds to the perception they are in greater numbers :-(

The extremes are not what usually influences developers. The company creating the platform has to be the leader. They are the ones that woo developers. Apple kept sinking in years past because of extremely proprietary and closed systems (with arrogance on top of it :-) ). Developers did not respond well. All the while the fan base attitudes remained the same. I don't know, did Amiga work to woo developers?

Now we have companies like ID thanking heaven for a stable Mac OS The Unix developers are liking market-share growth Windows developers are seeing similar hardware, networking, and file systems. Even with only 5% NEW SALES market, most companies know there is money to be made on the Mac platform.

Apple learned an important lesson. Their key product cannot be closed from the rest of the world AND they need to create supplimental products to add value to their brand (iMovie, iPod, and etc). And now for the over-used car analogy :-) All cars operate on the same roads but the successful (just not in market-share) brands have something that differentiates themselves.

Thank you for listening to my rant :-)
You guys will hear alot more about the Amiga in the New Year...

My Amiga4000 has been 100% emulating the Mac for years.

Sorry to break it to ya but it can run Photoshop/Quark everthing up to OS9.2.1 100%.

It has without doubt the most effecient pre-emptive multitasking OS out there.

Amigas have had multiprocessor machines for YEARS. I have a PPC/68K accelerator card in mine. Works like a dream.

Protected memory and all kinds of other gunk is being added as we speak for Amiga OS 4.0 for the release of the new AmigaOne machine in the new year.

For those who may think I'm insane. Wait. You will hear soon enough.