Exclusive: Longhorn RTM Date


"According to sources close to Microsoft the latest date set for Longhorn to go to manufacturing by is August 15, 2005. This date is due to be announced to many partners/OEMs and internally with Microsofts roadmap dates by the end of next month.

What does this mean for Longhorn? Aslong as they stick to the date then it's good news for those interested in the next Windows operating system and those wanting to get a better look at it. Microsoft are going to be dishing out a preview version designed for developers at their annual professional developers conference next month. It's not expected to be very different from the first few alphas we've witnessed and still lacking of the most important factor, aero (the much hyped UI for Longhorn).

From our calculations we're guessing that official beta testing will happen in early to mid 2004 and lasting just over a year. At release candidate stage the beta is expected to be an open beta allowing many customers to preview the next version of Windows. This latest date is always subject to change but you heard it here first."

Right, Microsoft's answer to Apple's Mac OS 10.2, which was released in 2002, isn't coming out until at least 2005, by which point Mac OS X will be way past it.

How's that iMac, Devlin?
IF it will be released in 2005... I will NOT believe ANY release date for that OS until I will actually use the Gold version of it and even then I will be careful to accept it :p

M$, ALWAYS, has/had trouble setting dates ::ha::
How does Microsoft get away with the version naming?

3.1 -> 95 -> 98 -> NT->2000 ->ME ->XP ->Longhorn -> Donkey ->Crap

"This release of Windows features the much hyped Aeon, which you may remember are the creatures in Final Fantasy that help you on your quest. These gigantic monster's will provide extra stability to Windows and will insure the Longhorn does not get slaughtered..back to you Devlinite"
Originally posted by ApeintheShell
How does Microsoft get away with the version naming?

3.1 -> 95 -> 98 -> NT->2000 ->ME ->XP ->Longhorn -> Donkey ->Crap

"This release of Windows features the much hyped Aeon, which you may remember are the creatures in Final Fantasy that help you on your quest. These gigantic monster's will provide extra stability to Windows and will insure the Longhorn does not get slaughtered..back to you Devlinite"
ROFLOL!!! ::ha:: ::ha:: ::ha:: ::ha:: ::ha:: ::ha::

Indeed! I can literally see Microsoft releasing "Microsoft Donkey 2008" (in 2009, no less) and 2 years later "Microsoft Crap 2010," followed soon by "Microsoft Windows NT 6.25.492.6." It's actually an IP address instead of a version number... you enter it and it takes you to a website laughing at you for buying such a crappy product.