Experience with INKWELL anyone?


Has anyone seen inkwell in action? How well does it perform?

I was looking for it in 6C115 but found nothing. On the apple website there is a image of an System Preference pane. But i can't find it.

You probably need appropriate hardware i assume?

Originally posted by henksmets
You probably need appropriate hardware i assume?


That is correct, sir. If you look in /System/Library/PreferencePanes you should see Ink.prefPane . I contributed to a thread over at macosxhints.com forums where someone said that they had a Wacom tablet and that InkWell worked beautifully.
It works beautifully...

For what, I have no idea...

I mean, really, what use is this feature on a desktop machine?

Digital signatures, maybe? I dunno...:rolleyes:

I place it right up there with Speech Recognition...

The fun (about all its good for) was over in a few minutes...

I would have rather had them spend more time fixing bugs and things like finder-ftp instead of practically useless features. But, thats just me...

Flame away!
it is a subtle hint foreshadowing the upcoming release of an Apple PDA-thing which has a Full version of Mac OS X , and handwriting recognition.

:rolleyes: wishful thinking...
Ala Newton... I guess...

Although, the only problem with an Apple PDA other than the fact that Jobs hates PDAs... is that Apple cant even get OS X running decent on older but still pretty powerful systems... let alone a small ARM processor.. or whatever...

I mean, really, could you imagine trying to use OS X on a PDA... {...SHUDDER...}
they'd have to tweak it, a *little* bit :)

but Mac OS X on a slow crappy PDA is better than Windows CE/PocketPC on any new Toshiba handheld IMHO