"Explore the next release of Mac OS X"


Video Gamer/Collector
According to the WWDC 2002 page on Apple.com it seems Apple will be showing features of 10.2 to people. Will these people only be the lucky programmers, or will they show everyone? Is this the 10.2 preview I've been waiting for?

Or did I read this whole thing incorrectly? And there won't be a public showing of features and no updated "Coming in July, 10.2!" page on Apples OS X page?
anyone who wants to go to the expo will see it. presumably we will be able to read all about it afterwards
Will there be ScreenShots?

I want ScreenShots! I love ScreenShots!

WWDC is aboot 2 months from MWNY. Which is when I predict 10.2 (or 10.5 or whatever) will be released.

MWNY was 2 months before 10.1 was released.

Seems logical the preview will come then. It better. I really want more features!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They had video of 10.1 at Apple.com a few months before its release. Mabye they'll doo the same for 10.2.
In the past Apple has had a live QT stream of Job's keynote. They have always made a "best of" video for later public viewing. Generally the keynote speech has Job's demonstrating the new cool things.
I hope they do have movies of 10.2 on the website like they did with 10.1. Heck, I wanna see the whole keynote :D

Anybody else get this in their e-mail?