Explorer,.... etc...


10.1 is out.

I've installed it.

It's much faster as everyone said.

Many things much improved.

Internet Explorer is STILL A PIECE OF CRAP. Websites that require JAVA still don't work. Websites that require significant interactivity still result in a stupid spinning beachball from hell and I still have to kill the process periodically to get it back. Omniweb sucks also, it's cute, but essentially useless and slow as a professional HTML front end. Don't even start to tell me about Netscrape or Mozilla.... waaaaay to little too late. Opera isn't worth mentioning.... yeah it's fast. So what. I'd settle for slow and compatible.

Everyday, the Microsoft influence over the Internet grows. I used to believe they couldn't steal the Internet. I now know this isn't true. It's like one of those old movies that would show a dark shadow spreading over a map to indicate the spread of Nazi control or something.

Face it, in 5 years, unless people get together and stop BUYING AND PURCHASING AND SUPPORTING THE ACTIVITIES OF MICROSOFT, we might as well hang a sign on the Internet, WINDOWS ONLY.
LOL :p
ok..take it eaaasssyy :p

I agree that IE sucks,
I think NN 6.1 is cool, runs ok, but could be a little better, dont bash it.
Omni is nice too,
Opera is still in previews, so dont judge it yet as a finished product
my main browser is NComm 4.78.

java works, turn it on in your ie preferences.

and imho, ie rox netscape. netscape was all good until they released their latest POS. its horrible, even netscape-whores hate it.

internet explorere is the future :cool:
IE the future ??? hahahaha shoot me now :rolleyes:
IE is just one bad POPS... Netscape ueber alles :p

netscape is garbage now.

you have no choice but to use IE. NO CHOICE


*Relax. Don't do it. If you want to go to it. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to come. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to go to it. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to come. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to go to it. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to come. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to go to it. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to come. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to go to it. Relax. Don't do it. If you want to come. *
"java works, turn it on in your preferences..."


Of course it's on.

Some tests I switch to LINUX and JAVA works just fine. IE just spins and spins the beach ball, or barfs.

I'm testing with proprietary JAVA stuff that works for LINUX under Netscape and Windows (even freaking XP if you download JAVA), just fine.

The behavior of the Mac is irratic.

Browsing on the Mac is currently a bleeding edge activity, with nothing more than hope some of this will improve. So what Opera is pre-release. I suspect the RELEASE version will have no more features or compatibility, it will just have existing bugs fixed. This will leave it pretty much useless in corporate and serious environments.

I'm not talking browing porno here.

I just got through testing a Mac on an Oracle based Intranet and I can't certifiy it as a viable client.

Very sad.

I had hopes. I lied and cheated to give 10.1 a chance to come out before testing the Mac. 10.1 is out, the new Explorer is out, and I am forced to tell my client, don't bother with the Mac. Maybe in a year or two, if you still care.

I'm just terribly frustrated.

So much technology is Windows only, it's getting almost impossible to retro-fit a Mac into most corporate environments. As far as I'm concerned, the Mac Business Unit in Microsoft is a front. There is no desire within MS to see the Mac achieve parity.

find solution..
find solution...
I don't see why you are so hung up on Java. Microsoft doesn't even support it anymore, if your argument is to be MS compliant.

My guess is that the Java issues will be sorted out within months, NOT years.

Also, Netscape 6.1 is currently the best browser out there. Period. It destroys IE on any platform. I work in an office with Windows and Unix boxes and my Macs communicate extremely well with both! In fact, browsing Windows shares in 10.1 with the built in Samba client is faster than going through the Network Neighborhood on a Windows box.

I realize that the current state of Java browser support on the Mac is poor, but again, I see that changing sooner rather than later. I realize Java is very important to you, but I think you are letting this small and temporary problem darken your opinion of what is unarguably the best platform on the market.
Sorry to hear that IE sucks for you, but I have to say on my iBook (IceBook) IE runs perfectly!! ALL of the few JAVA sites I visit perfom well, (except yahoo chat but I have miChat for that :D) I have yet to see the spinning rainbow colored beachball so I know that IE at least doesnt' hang the system, IE launches in one bounce for me and its great so far. No complaints. I have not tried NS 6.1 under 10.1 yet but i will later on, I think OmniWeb is painfully slow and IE is THE BEST browser out there.

As much as I hate Microshaft I have to admit theur MBU does produce cool apps, (Office X) and IE for me, we have to embrace the fact that 95% of the world uses the inferior OS so thats something I can live with, and IE suits me fine.......
...and say the current Mozilla is fantastic (been using it for about 1 month). It's essentially the same as Netscape but a lot more stable!

Seriously, I hated Netscape when 6 came out, but the OSX version has swayed me back again.

How long has IE been at number 5? eh?

How many changes have been made when comparing the os9 version to the osX version? Hardly any apart from the obvious cosmetics!

The only thing I like about IE is it's Autofill function, which beats any other browser hands down, but apart from that, it's the worst looking browser now, and still has many compatibility issues.
I think that Java sites that dont work are M$ proprietary java, which is a no-no and sun sued over that, and THAT is the reason M$ isnt packaing java with its OS anymore. Sun won the court battle. I think that over time those M$ only java sites will be a thing of the past ;)

Originally posted by xphile

I just got through testing a Mac on an Oracle based Intranet and I can't certifiy it as a viable client.

Very sad.

I had hopes. I lied and cheated to give 10.1 a chance to come out before testing the Mac. 10.1 is out, the new Explorer is out, and I am forced to tell my client, don't bother with the Mac. Maybe in a year or two, if you still care.

I'm just terribly frustrated.

So much technology is Windows only, it's getting almost impossible to retro-fit a Mac into most corporate environments.

oh what a load of nonsense - "lied and cheated" - huh!