I need to export my mail.app (v. 2.1 on Tiger) messages to outlook express 6. Does anyone know how to do this? Searched the forums, searched google, still can't find the answer. Please can anyone help? Thanks!
Perhaps you should explain why you need to do move your messages from Mail on MacOS X to Outlook Express on Windows. I am aware of no way to do this directly. If we knew what your end game is, then we may be able to help you develop an alternative strategy.
Thanks for the reply! I needed to export the messages to my sales guys laptop PC. Basically trying to synchronise the two accounts so he has all the leads I've been sent from clients on his computer as well. Been using Outlook 2007 a bit today, its a lot more advanced than mail.app, especially regarding rules. Amazingly it looks like microsoft have done something better than apple for a change. Having to change email apps on my mac now, as mail.app can't do what I need it to do. Moving to Thurderbird.
I actually sussed out how to export the messages to Outlook. Here's how, for anyone who needs it in future -
Download 'Emlx to Mbox Converter' found here. This tool will convert your individual emlx mail.app files (found in ~/Library/Mail/) to mbox format.
Download IMAPsize for windows here. This program has a tool called 'mbox2eml convertor' which will convert mbox files to Outlook Express .eml files.
Open the folder containing the .eml files, run Outlook, then drag the files into the relevant Outlook folders.