Export Quicktime 7.2 to 6.5 on PC


Hi, can anyone tell me how to save down a keynote presentation exported as a movie file with QT 7.2 on a mac so that it will play on a Windows PC using QT 6 on that machine? I also need it to maintain its click through functionality. Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
I don't think Quicktime had a backwards compatible saving option.
Can't you just update the QT on your PC side to 7.2 or higher?
If you export to MPEG-4, it should actually simply work. QT6 had MPEG-4 support, right?
umm, thats weird, this was my ticket and it was answered, he was satisfied, so I don't know why it was transfered here.
Thanks everyone, just for your info, the end user could'nt upgrade to 7.2 because their IT dept won't let them. The best result was indeed saving to mp4 which does work but becuase of the click throughs half the time pauses on a very compressed frame. I've since found out that I should export it clean then use compressor to bring the file size down (much better at it) but not sure if this will erase the click through feature. Any one tried it? Cheers PB.