Extended RAM Kaput?



I have an old iBook G4 15". It was running painfully slow when I turned it on after being on vacation for two weeks. The System Profiler shows only 256MB of built-in RAM. I had the max extended RAM (1GB?), but it's not showing (DIMM1/j31 shows as "empty").

What could have happened? I left it plugged in.... Could a surge have killed it? Or did it die of natural causes? Or is this an indication of something else?

Thanks for you help.

You can try reseating the RAM.

If that does not work, you can confirm if you have bad RAM with this: Memtest.

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Thanks, Doc. I'm running memtest now. I tried reseating. The RAM was available again for about 10 mins, then it disappeared again. Even before reseating it was doing that.