Extending OS X's 'Locations'


Hi all,
I wondered if there was any way to extend the functionality of the 'Location' setting in OS X. I use it extensively at the moment, as i'm always on the move with my iBook, and it'd be great to be able to run a shell script or AppleScript when I change location.

Any help much appreciated!
Unfortunatly, the Location options under OS X and much more limited than those under OS 9 were. I don't know about running an AppleScript though...
Originally posted by cybergoober
For a start... give some examples of what you might like to accomplish.

well, as i said, running a script would be great. I can't think of any decent alternative methods, and scripting covers just about everything.
Have you checked this out yet? Seems to have gotten decent reviews over at VersionTracker. Not exactly sure if this is what you're talking about though.

After reading up a bit it looks like it has the ability to run shell scripts.