External Hard drive


Just bought and external drive. I initailized it on my PC, and can copy files to and from on the PC. When I connect it to my Mac. I can only read the drive. Can anyone help?
You most likely have the drive formatted in NTFS format. Mac OS X can only read NTFS, since Microsoft has chosen to keep that format closed and proprietary.

If you want read/write capability with both Mac OS X and Windows, format the drive as FAT32.
you're going to want to use Mac Drive if you're going to use the drive on both PC and Mac. Otherwise even if you do format it in, whatever format people say works for both, you won't have read/write errors.

That's my experience.
MacDrive would only be useful if you formatted the drive as HFS or HFS+ on the Mac-side and then ONLY the Windows computer with MacDrive installed on it would be able to read/write to that drive. No other Windows computers would be able to do anything with the drive.