External HD question?


So I have a LaCie Porsche drive 160GB which I bought to store music and photos. My question is whether or not there is some way I can store photos and music on it, but still have my photos and music appear in iTunes and iPhoto when the drive is plugged in? Does any one have any ideas?
as far as i know, you should be able to move your iTunes Music Folder to the external drive and your music will still show up in iTunes.

you change the folder location trough preferences(apple+,)-> advanced-tab.

as for iPhoto i don't know, since i couldn't find out very to dchange the default location of the iPhoto Library.

Thanks for the response, but I am a bit confused with your directions. Where is the advanced tab in the Preferences?

Does anyone else have any ideas about this?
When in iTunes, go to the iTunes Menu at top, to Preferences. Click the Advanced icon in the Toolbar.

Quit iPhoto, move the entire iPhoto library to a place that suits you, delete the iPhoto librabry in your home directory and open iPhoto again.
iPhoto will not find your library and aks you, whether you want to create a new library or search for a library.
