External HTML on .Mac-using pictures?


Hey, I know offline, when I make a site html, I drag it into the correct User>Sites folder.
And any images I have go into the images folder.

But, when uploading to .Mac, I upload the html, and I get no images. Just question marks.

How do I include images?
Well, how are you linking the images in your html? It works the same with .Mac as it does any other server - if your html is expecting images to be in a subdirectory named images, then you need to create that folder and put the images in it.
Are you uploading the images folder along with the html page?

Your images should be in your Pictures folder on your iDisk.
Cheryl said:
Your images should be in your Pictures folder on your iDisk.
I hate to disagree with our Fairy Moderator but in this case I have to because what she said is incorrect. DarkShadow is absolutely correct in his assertion that it depends on what the links on the page are pointing to. There is no rule that says images on .Mac have to be in the iDisk Pictures folder unless you are using the .Mac web site generator tools.

Assuming Convert created the site offline on his Mac and on his Mac the images are in a folder, hopefully contained within the same folder as his index or top level page then that images folder along with its contents should be copied to the iDisk Sites folder along with the top level page. Otherwise the image links will be broken.
To expand on that, it's also gonna depend on whether the links are absolute or relative links... if they're absolute, then they probably won't work because they're linked to a specific place on your Mac. If they're relative links, then you need to make sure the paths are valid.

Can you post the HTML document so we can take a look at how you have the images linked?