I have the Flurry screen saver picked. I've also had the Beach before.
The "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" is not checked in energy saver.
I have no Login Items selected either.
top -o cpu
224 slpd 0.0% 0:00.12 6 31 33 220K 768K 2.37M 30.2M
Processes: 84 total, 2 running, 82 sleeping... 313 threads 14:46:42
Load Avg: 0.49, 0.50, 0.41 CPU usage: 10.8% user, 11.2% sys, 78.0% idle
SharedLibs: num = 192, resident = 39.0M code, 4.27M data, 13.7M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num = 15353, resident = 1.47G + 75.9M private, 113M shared
PhysMem: 157M wired, 1.21G active, 629M inactive, 1.97G used, 26.4M free
VM: 10.6G + 114M 43223(0) pageins, 44146(0) pageouts
631 top 19.5% 0:02.14 1 18 22 1.03M 412K 1.48M 26.9M
319 DashboardC 8.2% 5:53.38 4 107 4012 1.27G+ 9.10M 1.02G- 1.49G+
279 Terminal 6.7% 0:11.15 5 98 176 2.46M 12.2M 10.6M 172M
68 WindowServ 6.6% 4:13.12 3 373 644 6.14M+ 42.4M- 46.4M 242M
0 kernel_tas 2.3% 2:03.99 44 2 2619 22.6M 0K 128M 1.25G
272 ICQ 3.4 0.6% 1:48.40 8 162 221 4.52M 13.9M 14.3M 181M
273 Yahoo! Mes 0.3% 0:55.42 8 163 213 4.62M 12.2M 12.3M 212M
262 System Eve 0.3% 0:21.90 1 63 105 1.23M 3.29M 14.5M 151M
271 Safari 0.2% 3:19.93:19.96 22 485 887 67.9M 36.6M 67.7M 475M
184 VersionCue 0.2% 0:26.96 26 468 338 34.9M 11.6M 35.5M 364M
35 configd 0.2% 0:17.23 3 205 60 520K 1.27M 3.79M 29.1M
208 mysqld 0.1% 0:06.15 9 42 52 7.95M 1.90M 9.88M 58.8M
252 SystemUISe% 0:05.96 21.70 4 206 193 2.76M 8.75M 24.1M 170M
261 MicrosoftM 0.0% 0:09.78 1 59 87 656K 1.73M 8.93M 140M
237 mysqld 0.0% 0:05.97 11 47 61 8.20M 2.96M 11.0M 80.2M
264 InkServer 0.0% 0:11.35 1 67 111 2.44M 5.32M 13.8M 156M
204 mds 0.0% 0:02.94 8 98 67 2.60M 1.88M 10.2M 42.8M
1 launchd 0.0% 0:04.66 3 380 21 216K 396K 452K 27.7M
277 nmbd 0.0% 0:00.33 1 14 23 240K 868K 3.16M 27.8M
188 AppleFileS 0.0% 0:00.69 2 57 43 3.08M 1.43M 9.10M 33.8M
88 ntpd 0.0% 0:01.03 1 11 19 124K 516K 804K 26.9M
210 httpd 0.0% 0:00.51 1 13 78 36K 1.29M 2.11M 28.1M
604 bash 0.0% 0:00.02 1 14 16 224K 828K 880K 27.1M
603 login 0.0% 0:00.01 1 16 36 144K 428K 580K 26.9M
584 SecurityAg 0.0% 0:00.87 2 91 154 2.40M 7.14M 7.14M 149M
560 mdimport 0.0% 0:00.15 3 61 44 836K 2.35M 2.88M 39.0M
542 mdimport 0.0% 0:00.37 4 66 58 1.21M 2.73M 4.79M 40.0M
360 TextEdit 0.0% 0:00.56 1 72 147 2.27M 5.99M 21.1M 163M
328 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.46 3 94 142 2.86M 5.88M 21.3M 164M
327 DashboardC 0.0% 0:04.61 4 103 160 7.17M 6.57M 26.4M 169M
326 DashboardC 0.0% 0:04.34 4 108 181 5.23M 7.58M 26.6M 169M
325 DashboardC 0.0% 0:04.41 4 104 161 5.81M 6.73M 25.1M 168M
324 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.49 3 94 134 2.64M 5.05M 21.0M 159M
323 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.51 3 94 139 3.20M 10.0M 21.8M 159M
322 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.71 3 94 153 3.49M 4.42M 21.9M 159M
321 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.60 3 95 157 3.62M 6.59M 22.3M 166M
320 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.74 3 94 162 5.54M 7.08M 24.5M 170M
318 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.43 3 94 125 2.80M 4.24M 20.1M 157M
317 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.76 3 96 162 4.91M 7.18M 24.6M 169M
316 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.63 3 94 159 3.87M 6.95M 22.8M 167M
315 DashboardC 0.0% 0:04.60 4 92 191 6.96M 5.39M 27.5M 164M
314 DashboardC 0.0% 0:00.51 3 99 163 2.70M 5.02M 23.1M 160M
313 Calculator 0.0% 0:00.90 1 72 173 3.13M 9.05M 22.7M 167M
278 AppleSpell 0.0% 0:00.07 1 46 33 524K 1.56M 5.72M 37.3M
270 Mail 0.0% 0:07.99 6 161 281 8.98M 16.8M 21.6M 189M
If this helps ...
g5mac:/Users/wnowak1 root# tail -25 /var/log/system.log
Sep 5 10:32:50 localhost lookupd[64]: lookupd (version 365) starting - Mon Sep 5 10:32:50 2005
Sep 5 10:32:51 localhost kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
Sep 5 10:32:51 localhost configd[35]: AppleTalk startup
Sep 5 10:32:51 g5mac configd[35]: setting hostname to "g5mac.local"
Sep 5 10:32:53 g5mac kernel[0]: NVDA,Display-B: vram [98000000:08000000]
Sep 5 10:32:53 g5mac kernel[0]: NVDA,Display-A: vram [00000000:01000000]
Sep 5 10:32:54 g5mac mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
Sep 5 10:32:56 g5mac configd[35]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-network
Sep 5 10:32:56 g5mac configd[35]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
Sep 5 10:32:56 g5mac lookupd[74]: lookupd (version 365) starting - Mon Sep 5 10:32:56 2005
Sep 5 10:32:56 g5mac ntpdate[86]: getnetnum: "time.apple.com" invalid host number, line ignored
Sep 5 10:32:56 g5mac ntpdate[86]: no servers can be used, exiting
Sep 5 10:32:57 g5mac configd[35]: AppleTalk startup complete
Sep 5 10:32:57 g5mac kernel[0]: in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e00c0)
Sep 5 10:32:57 g5mac configd[35]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
Sep 5 10:32:57 g5mac lookupd[107]: lookupd (version 365) starting - Mon Sep 5 10:32:57 2005
Sep 5 10:33:00 g5mac VersionCueCS2Daemon[178]: warning: VersionCueCS2Daemon not started by mach_init process (parent pid: 1)
Sep 5 10:33:01 g5mac configd[35]: target=enable-network: disabled
Sep 5 10:33:05 g5mac /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
Sep 5 10:33:28 g5mac /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: TIME-CHECK: NSLXStandardRegisterService took 1.788722 seconds!
Sep 5 10:33:29 g5mac loginwindow[72]: Login Window Started Security Agent
Sep 5 10:34:07 g5mac diskarbitrationd[37]: SystemUIServer [252]:28675 not responding.
Sep 5 10:34:07 g5mac diskarbitrationd[37]: disk1s6 hfs 5135496F-1A57-33A5-8BE2-9EDA831016BD LaCie Disk /Volumes/LaCie Disk
Sep 5 14:47:53 g5mac su: wnowak1 to root on /dev/ttyp1
g5mac:/Users/wnowak1 root#