F11 question

When you press F11 (or F10, i forgot) it brings all the windows to the sides of the screen. However, when you go to click on a window to bring it back, it always brings back the last open window you used. This is annoying when using a lot of programs since you minimize them all and then click a different one, yet it still brings you back to the current one. Is there a way to fix this? It seems kind of silly that it doesn't go to the new window you click on...
There are three Exposé modes. The first one shows you all visible windows side by side. Choosing one there brings _that_ to the front. The second one only shows the windows of the current application side by side, but otherwise works likewise. The last one pushes all visible windows out of the way to show you the desktop. In this mode, you can't click on any of the windows that have been pushed away. Doing so only results in bringing back the state you were in previously. Instead, you'd use that mode to interact with the desktop and files on the desktop. For example, you can have a document open in Photoshop or Word, hit F11 (Tiger, F12 in Panther, but you can set those yourself and also use mouse buttons), grab a JPEG from the desktop, hit F11 again and drop the file onto the document to paste it there.

I don't really see a problem that needs fixing here...
I must have been using the 3rd mode. The first one is what i am talking about, being able to minimize all windows and then click the one you want.
So are you saying that this solved your problem and you were simply using the wrong mode unintentionally? Or are you saying that the first/second mode doesn't work correctly for you? I guess not, but I rather ask back than let the thread linger. :)