Failed download of 3.0 Update


Hey all,

I've tried downloading the iPod 3.0 Software update and every time I pause the download or lose internet connection for a second, the entire download restarts from zero. Can I prevent this from happening?

I've searched my mac for the actual file that is being downloaded but I cannot find it. Where does the download get saved at and can I use this file to resume downloading of the update?

Also, as an alternative, is there a place I can download the update from the web using a download manager?

Ipod updates are in your user/Library/iTunes/iPod Software Updates folder.

Find a time when you don't have to pause your download. Early morning might be better. Let it download undisturbed.
Once downloaded, then the update will also take quite a long time, but then you have the software, and you can better control when to do the actual update.