Faster CPUs now in the MacBook Pro

this even counts for the preorders.
I can't help myself but it sounds like apple wants to appologize for something. Could it be the battery duration?
I think not. I think they wanted those parts from the beginning, but intel wasn't sure on how soon they would have enough. Apparently, Apple can do this now. One shouldn't be surprised, though. Now that we're in deeper waters, the big fish have to look what the other big fish do. And Apple can't have the Sonys, Toshibas and Lenovos of this world offer notebooks with 2.16 GHz Core Duos while Apple stays at lower specs. The days of the nicely cushioned PPC world, where you could get away with staying at the same clock rate for a year, are definitely over. Apple has to go with that flow.
Yeah that's definately a good thing about the Intel switch. You can bet that Apple will be putting the fastest chips possible in their computers. After all they still have to justify the price of the computers.
I haven't yet seen any Duo Centrino PC laptops, but are they really that much cheaper than the MacBook Pros? I had the feeling that apples prices are quite competetive and no more outstanding
About PC notebooks being cheaper: Those will have to compete with the iBook replacement. Currently, Apple only has _one_ model with Core Duo available. Comparisons are difficult, that way.
The ones I've seen on the PC side which have similar specs (i.e. they're not bottom of the line, entry-level machines) are priced in a similar range ($1800 to $2000) as the MacBook Pro, but there's very few out there so far. It's been a few weeks since I last looked, so more may have materialized since then. The upgrade from the 2.0GHz to 2.16GHz is $300...which borders on "a bit pricey" in my opinion.
Captain Code said:
You can bet that Apple will be putting the fastest chips possible in their computers. After all they still have to justify the price of the computers.
...because we all know that Apple's prices are based solely on the processor inside... :rolleyes:
HateEternal said:
Does this mean there is a surplus of MacBooks with the original speced processors... I'll take one at a discount :-D

Nope but the ship time on the fastest one is under a week while they have em!
Very nice, though I wish they would offer an upgrade price for this G4 I got a few months back. :X

Oh well, I'll really consider one of these for my next laptop. (In about 4 or so years >_>)
I wish they'd offer me an upgrade price? They do, for heaven's sake: Sell your G4 and get the MBP and you'll get it for less. That's upgrade pricing in hardware terms.
lurk said:
Nope but the ship time on the fastest one is under a week while they have em!

The only way I could justify buying one right now would be to sell all of my crap. Which isn't really an option at the moment because no one has figured out how to book XP on the damn things yet, even with the almost $12,000 prize.

It's kind of funny how quick they hacked OSx86... but no one can figure this out. Probably because none of the hackers can afford, or wants to buy an iMac.
It's somewhat doubtful that anyone will get XP working, but Vista will probably a lot easier. It's possible that someone will find a way to use Vista "parts" to get XP to boot.
HateEternal said:
It's kind of funny how quick they hacked OSx86... but no one can figure this out. Probably because none of the hackers can afford, or wants to buy an iMac.
Or, quite possibly, because this is everyone's first experience with EFI (the BIOS replacement) besides the developers. It takes time to reverse-engineer EFI, then figure out how to boot an operating system that has no EFI support on an EFI machine.

ElDiabloConCaca said:
Or, quite possibly, because this is everyone's first experience with EFI (the BIOS replacement) besides the developers. It takes time to reverse-engineer EFI, then figure out how to boot an operating system that has no EFI support on an EFI machine.


Hmm, I guess if you want to play the sarcasm game I can do that.

Do you think that the people that hacked OSx86 had experience with TPM? I am _absolutely_ sure that all they had to do was throw the disk in, install and blow away the TPM kext... yea it was that simple, no reverse-engineering required. Definitely. As I recall it actually required a rather cumbersome process involving PearPC and VMWare. If I could find the original instructions I would post them.

Furthermore, while EFI is new, it is also an open standard and a lot of documentation can be found on Intel's site. I don't think it's the reverse-engineering is what is slowing them down, I think its the fact that there aren't a lot of hackers out there with Intel Macs. OSx86 was hacked quickly but all it required was a run of the mill PC. How many people do you know that have an Intel Mac? How many hackers do you know that have an Intel Mac? While the prize for winning is quite nice, I'm not sure I would plop down $1500 bucks for a chance to win because who knows how many other people doing the same thing.

While I am not saying your point is invalid, I just don't think it's the major issue. I however do not understand how closely Windows and BIOS work together in the early stages of booting, you are right this could be very complicated, if not impossible. That all depends on how much interaction goes on between the two. If BIOS simply finds what to boot from and executes it I couldn't see getting this to work with EFI being super complex. Basically modify something like GRUB to boot from EFI and allow selection of XP and OS X. If it's more complicated and there is a lot more information exchanged, some sort of emulation might be necessary. Although it looks like gateway already has XP booting from EFI.

Now I mustn't worry about this any more. It is 5:00A.M. and I have an exam to study for.

That was interesting, I haven't gotten into a mini flame war in a while.
What a great surprise to get your MacBook, turn it on and notice a speed bump when you weren't expecting it. Go Apple!

As far as price comparisons, MacWorld did a review comparison between MacBook and a Dell. Seems to me, the prices are right in line with another.