Fave freeware/shareware


I know there's been a thread on this before, but thought it would be nice to revive it and have an updated version.

Let's see, it's tough keeping it to 10 but (and avoiding iApps)...

Cocktail (great for keeping things running smoothly)

Safari Enhancer (deactivates cache and much more)

Cookie Muncher (manages your cookies)

Menu Meters (track system operations from menu bar)

VLC (a must-have)

PodUtil (handy for letting one backup the iPod content)

Delocalizer (gets rid of unneeded language packs)

Carbon Copy Cloner (does exactly what it says, flawlessly)

Transparent Dock (customize the dock)

DejaMenu (makes the menubar a popup anywhere on the page)

Others that I would include in a fave list that might knock CCC and another one or two from the above list would include pithhelmet, tinkertool, streamripperx, pacifist, konfabulator, iBert and shapeshifter (for themes).
- SubEthaEdit
- RBrowser Lite
- OpenOffice
- Notes
- Toy Viewer
- Kunvert

those come first to my mind. :)
Speaking of freeware and shareware...anyone know a good way to customize the top menu? Like where the clock and Airport icons are? Id like to add my IP address and a few other cool things like itunes control. Thanks.
drunkmac said:
Speaking of freeware and shareware...anyone know a good way to customize the top menu? Like where the clock and Airport icons are? Id like to add my IP address and a few other cool things like itunes control. Thanks.

itunes in menu bar - synergy

i recently made a long list myself, of these type of apps, as well as linking a few blogs that have great (and extensive) lists of tons of other great apps.
here's my list with links

great thread, I love these things!!
In alphabetic order, not order of importance or frequency of use:
  1. BatChmod
  2. Brickhouse
  3. Cocktail
  4. Dock-It
  5. FileXaminer
  6. iPulse
  7. MisFox
  8. Snard
  9. TinkerTool
  10. Whatsize

I would also add the following "utility applications" I would prefer not to be without:
  • Audio Hijack Pro
  • Graphic Converter
  • SnapZ Pro
  • Stuffit Deluxe
  • TechTool Pro 4.0.2
  • Top Calculette Pro
  • Tri-Backup
Keyboard Maestro http://www.keyboardmaestro.com/ for mapping any applescript or various other built in commands to any keystroke - with settings for each application

SubEthaEdit - just started using this - a great text-edit app for developers!

Meunulator - a menubar (top right) calculator, hasn't been updated recently but works a treat!

Cyberduck for sftp
MacReporter - great dock tool that reads off of hundreds of sites RSS files.
Dock Fun! - Have multiple docks setup and it calls on them via menu or hotkeys.
Statto - Some app by Panic and its a dock bar style that shows weather, iCal events, iTunes currently playing, battery power, HD space. It's ok, wish it was resizable.

Shape Shifter is another nice app that allows you to apply different themes to your mac. Hate the brushed chrome look? Then use this.