Fave freeware/shareware

Ah, okay. :) I've gotten that now as I've seen the same in that other thread. ;) Thanks for the explanation, Zammy. ;)
No one has mentioned Sidetrack? That's the best most useful app for the Powerbooks/iBooks.
Yeah, Sidetrack is a must_have. I would also add ByteController, Desktop Manager and Salling Clicker (which was mentioned before, I think).
anybody used Quicksilver before it is indeed cool. finds everything and you can configure it to search also in Mail, Contacts, etc.


Also I gave a shot to a 3D dock I can not say that i was very happy (3d-Space VFS). I mean indeed it good but really uncomfortable to use. In fact until you open an application it is a lot faster from the normal dock.

Third Issue. Last night I connected a "NORMAL" monitor to my ibook and using ScreenSpanningDoctor I put a movie on the monitor and in the same time I was working on my website on my ibook. and also working on some animations. Everything worked great and still get some free memory.