Favorite games - thread

Well ok... Let's go...
I'm mostly an Adventure game lover but I do like some other kinds.
- Riven (best game ever, still playing it even after doing it like a 100 times, Addicted to it)
-Return to Zork (What a great trip)
-Last Express
-The Crystal Key
-WarCraft II & III (gotta play III on my PC, my G3 only has a 2MB Vram card, yeah, I know, shame on me but heh)
-Oni (Best controls and moves I've seen in a game)
-Quake I
-Deus Ex (That game is a blast)
-F.A.K.K. (Gotta love Julie!)
-StarWars Racer
-Myth II
-Galactic Battleground
-Dope Wars (Hehehe, not good at it, I consume everything instead of selling it! LOL)
-Jazz Jackrabbit
And some more...
Yeah, I love gaming! :D
frag: Unreal Tournament (weekly basis)
distract: Pocket Tanks (find it fun)
reflect: Warcraft I/II/III + StarCraft (don' t have time anymore)

i don't play them but i had to quote them:
frag: Quake III Arena (highly addictive)
shoot: Mars Rising
distract: Burning Rubber / Reckless Drivin'
My list includes:

iNES (8 bit nes the best console ever hehe)
CPSMAME (so I can play Capcom arcade hits like Marvel vs. Capcom :D )

The Legend of Kyrandia
Almost anything Ambrosia
Warcraft II (I stopped playing III)
SimCity 2000, 3000
Wolfenstein 3D
Doom I, II
Duke Nukem 3D
Battlefield 1942


Currently playing:
Warcraft 3: TFT. You HAVE tyo get it when it goes retail, it makes the game SO muich better, seriously.
Unreal Tournament:
Strike Force
Marathon Rampancy
Tactical Ops (it disappeared for mac)

Aliens vs Predator
All blizzard games (except the first 2 warcrafts... they make you feel like you drank warm milk)
All original Lucas Arts strategy games! Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle 1 and 2, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (they will be filming a movie based on it), The Dig, and Full Throttle. Monkey Island 1-4 also!
I love SNES Roms too!
Originally posted by toast
distract: Burning Rubber / Reckless Drivin'
I use to play that all the time, until I got the general strategy down pat and got bored with it. It's too easy to kill everything now, and I'm too cheap to shell out the $12 for it (for your information, I've bought 1 (count it: 1) piece of shareware, I think ever: Ares).
Ive tryed most things but nothing beats Diablo II.
When I played that game I lost grip of time totally.

Now that Ive played it for so long Im always out on a lookout for a game that can match DII.
Im still looking :(
Even Neverwinternights wont pass (too much talk).

I'm still looking for something as fun and crazy as Duke Nukem 3D.
I still wonder howcome, since Diablo II was such a hit (and still is played all over the world), why did they stop all of the sudden with *just* one Expantion Set?

Mabye Im naive, mabye theres not much to expand more with DII.

But then...what about a game like it.
A "hack/slash with a little built in sell/buy, talk (but not as much as for instance Baldurs gate - I fall asleep while these caracters go on and on "yadda-yadda!") ::sleepy::

A game built with the same graphics as in DII and not 3D totally.

As I said, still puzzles me that theres no real game out there that has the same ingredients as DII had/have.

But heck...one cant go on and on playing DII forever. There IS a limit :D

-Thats when a similar game would be a nice backup, dont you guys think?!

Originally posted by Cat
Games I played on my iBook:
Prince of Persia, SimCity - Great classic oldies!

WHERE DID YOU GET PRINCE OF PERSIA? I swear that game shoulda won best game in the world award... I played it all the time at my school when I was a kid. It's so sweet.
anyone know if simcity 4 is comin out for mac's?
oh... almost forgot www.medievia.com . New games ames these days are too hard for my poor old computer to run, I need more memory.
Originally posted by mr. K
WHERE DID YOU GET PRINCE OF PERSIA? I swear that game shoulda won best game in the world award... I played it all the time at my school when I was a kid. It's so sweet.

When you were a kid? Damn you're making me feel old. But yeah, Prince of Persia was awesome. As is PoP 2. I never played the third one. The first two were rereleased on a CD, but for DOS/Windows. Not sure about Mac.
There were releases of both Prince of Persia 1 & 2 for Mac; it's also one of the first games I ever owned. As for my favs, here they are, going backwards in time:

Ghost Recon
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Fallout 2
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (playing the Time Gate conversion right now, pretty good)
Baldur's Gate 2
Quake 3 (ridiculously addictive, totally mindless)
Baldur's Gate
Diablo 2 & LOD (great game)
Unreal Tournament
Quake 2
Myth 2: Soulblighter (now playing the OS X version, quite nice)
Myth: The Fallen Lords
Escape Velocty, EV: Override, & EV: Nova (still playing)
Marathon Infinity
Marathon 2: Durandal
Prince of Persia 1 & 2
NES, SNES, GameBoy
i wonder if it's still avaliable anywhere... i doubt it's up for retail anywhere, im gonna hafta get creative about it. i want it. btw - another great game was lode runer for commodore 64... there had to be like 300 levels to that game i could never beat them all.
Wow, I just realized that the Prince of Persia Collection CD (Pop 1 and 2) I have that I got many years ago for DOS also works on the Mac, but won't launch in Classic. It won't seem to run in anything more than 256 colors, and my 17" LCD Studio Display won't go anything less than Thousands. I'll try booting to OS 9 and seeing if it will run there. Here are the messages.


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All these new games with 1 or 2 exceptions do not have what it takes to let me enjoy them more than an hour the most...

However, MAME games are AWESOME! 3000 ROMS in perfect condition and counting :p ;)

Anyways, from the modern games I think I liked ONI and WARCRAFT3... I know... They don't match! :rolleyes:

Somone mentioned Duke Nukem 3D: THE GREAT FUN even if sometimes it was somewhat ::sleepy:: here and there...

Games from old: Dune 2 and its offsprings, old LucasArts and Sierra's adventure games (yes, even those with 2-16 colors) and the original Wolfenstein and Doom games! Of course other newer games improved the formula of those old games but according to me they lack one VERY important thing: Originality AND Fun! The modern games try to take their roles most of the time TOO seriously... While your character has an arsenal of 10 weapons and he/she can kill a dozen enemies at any given time while running at a steady speed for as long as he/she feels like it, he/she cannot jump more than a meter upwards because it is unreal! ::ha:: This and other stupidities ::alien:: me from modern games... Sure, I give 'em a go now and then but most of the time they are a letdown! And yes, I know that they have all those millions colors and multispeaker sounds and blah-blah but still they don't have the magic touch... And believe me, I and many people around here who are old enough to know those black & white or black & green or orange colored games can understand the difference in graphics and sound areas is huge but still...

--> MAME rules <--

Then again maybe PhotoShop is the greatest game of all time! :rolleyes: ;)
Hmmm.. i change my decision to JEDI KNIGHT II!!!
i like it, i just got it. Multiplayer doesn't work for me, probably because my friend burnt this game for me.