Feature i would like to see in itunes

ive got a nomad mp3 player, and when ever i want to listen to my aac ripped tracks im stuck because the nomad doesnt suport the codec. i have looked and it seems like most of the major 3rd party mp3 player companies are not going to release firmware to suport aac.
apple should create a itunes preference that converts the aac tracks to mp3 before transfering them to a player that has no aac suport.
My suggestion isn't in the app, but the mouse. How about a button to control next/play/prev in iTunes right on the mouse. Right on the side where the thumb touches. That would be so convent.
They're ripped?

I'm going to go ahead and assume you own the disks you ripped from and still have them.

Go into preferences and select mp3 instead of aac for what to rip to. Rerip, move to the player, then delete (and instead use the aac ones you already have)
You can also convert AAC's directly to MP3. Choose the MP3 settings you want them to be in Preferences: Importing, and then go to Advanced and select Convert to MP3.
mikexpop- that takes far to much work when it could be done in a few motions effortlessly for the user.

arden- now that itunes has suport for aac the advanced tab does not convert to mp3, it converts to aac.

urbansory- great idea~!

if the app for conversion was writen properly im sure the audio degredation would be minimal as well.
I have another little feature I would like to see in the next version of iTunes. I would like to see the title and artist of the song display on the screen. Like they do in the corner when I have the iTunes-effects activated. But I want to se the song display when I´m surfing or doing some work. Not all the time, but when a new song begins I want to se it for a couple of seconds. Like a floater. (something like this is in the latest version of Proteus when you recieve a new message).

With all the openGL-super-duper-stuff they are putting in OSX, this shouldnt be a problem to implement.
Konfabulator? Ok! I don´t know what it is, but maybe a search on Macupdate will enlight me? :-)

Thanks for the tips Pengu!
OK, iTunes will convert into whatever your default format is. If you want mp3, set your default to mp3, then you'll get Convert to MP3 as your conversion option.

Next, an aac file converted to mp3 will sound mostly like an mp3. mp3 loses way more of the sound than aac, so that transition is fine. Similarly, if you convert an mp3 into aac it sounds mostly like an mp3, as you can't get the sound back that is lost in the mp3 compression.

If your lifestyle isn't aac oriented, then I suggest you stick with mp3 as your desired compression format. If you can't hear the difference between raw, aac, and mp3, then it doesn't matter to you. Just do the one that works for your lifestyle. Re-ripping media you own is really easy with iTunes, so if you need to do it again sometime it's no big deal.

And the pop-up title thing, while I think it sounds far more annoying than useful, sounds like it could be added. On a translucent gray background like the eject and volume notifications?
Originally posted by theed
And the pop-up title thing, while I think it sounds far more annoying than useful, sounds like it could be added. On a translucent gray background like the eject and volume notifications?

That's EXACTLY what PTHiTunesNotifier does, and that's EXACTLY why I'm such abig fan of it.
Konfabulator isn't an app to show you the current song etc. Konfabulator is, as the developers say "Whatever you want it to be"
There are already hundreds of Widgets (like mini applications) for Konfabulator, and the list grows continuously. If you think you can improve one, most of the people who write them only ask that you write to them about your changes, so everyone can benefit.

Even if you don't use it for THIS, get it just to see how cool it is.
Yeah, I have PTH as well, and when I listen to tunes in OS X (which, as some of you probably know, is rarely for me), it can come in handy if I can't identify a song from the first couple measures.

To change song conversion settings, from AAC to MP3 to WAV to AIFF to even System Sound (like what the old-school SimpleSound made), go to your iTunes preferences and select Import(ing?).
Ok everyone, I downloaded both Konfabulator and PTH. Both do the job, and I´m right now not sure wich one I´ll be using. PTH is free, and had a little more options than the widget of my preference (iTunes Bezel). On the other hand I was very impressed by Konfabulator, and will att the very least use the to-do-list and some other cool little things. This is exactly what I love about my mac! :-)

As for displaying the song, I will probably use PTH however. At least until I´ve learned to make a widget to do exaktly what I want. iTunes Brezel had some problem displaying the correct artwork, and no option to turn it off (I really don´t want artwork in this case, as I don´t want it to distract me that much. Most of the times I recognize the song without looking anyway).

Anyway, thanks for the help!