File sharing between Mac and PC on wireless


I have a G4 Quicksilver hardwired to my Dlink wireless router. I also have an XP notebook (hey, my employer bought if for me) with an internal wireless card. I would like to share files between the two, and also share the printer that is connected to the Mac. I can connect to the internet just fine, but cannot see the Mac from the notebook, or the notebook from the Mac.
I know there's DAVE and other things like that, but I was wondering if there is any way around it.


It would be very interesting to know which version of macos you have. You should turn on filesharing on both machines.
WinXP: just share a chosen folder
MacosX: system-preferences -> sharing -> Personally filesharing on + windows sharing on

Btw, does ping work between the two machines? If so, than its no prob...
Sorry, I'm running OSX 10.2.6, I think. I didn't try to ping. Do I need them to have static IP's? Will it help?


did you activate filesharing on both machines?
The thing about ping tells, if the basic data-transfer is possible of not. If you can't ping the machines between eachother, than your filesharing won't work out.
So, first thing: try to share a folder on winxp and turn on file and windows sharing on macosx. And I hope your problem will be solved
Thanks Zammy-Sam. I'll try it tonight when I get home.


733 G4 QuickSilver 30 gig ATA HD, 120 SCSI 10K RPM HD, 1024 RAM, SuperDrive, BlueTooth, 333 iMac, 80gig HD, Airport Card, CDRW, for the kids.
Also, if you want to be able to connect from the Mac to the PC, make sure that the personal firewall is disabled in XP. I believe XP's firewall also blocks pings, so pings from OS X to XP won't work if it's on (though they should work from XP to OS X, unless it too has a firewall turned on).

I haven't had much luck trying to share a printer from Mac OS X 10.2.6 to Windows, and most documents/discussions on the web only talk about connecting the other way. Once I installed Dave, however, the printer connection was a snap (and gave me a more intuitive way to share directories. I still don't know how to share, say, my entire hard drive in OS X without editing config files...yuck)