file sharing between OS 9/PC/unix


I have a need to network three machines, one running OS 9, one Win 98, and one UNIX. I'd just like to be able to ftransfer files between the machines. I don't need help with the hardware side - i understand all that. I'm wondering if there's a way to mount volumes from one machine to the next. Do I need to do anything special to the UNIX box, etc.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure about the UNIX machine but I can tell that I've used PC MacLAN to allow PC's to talk and see the Mac's on the network. Basically it adds the AppleTalk protocol to the PC. You may also want to try DAVE for the Mac. Its been a while but newer incarnations of these software products may now support UNIX, Linux etc.

I do know that Win 2000 Pro and Win XP have the AppleTalk protocol built-in to the OS.

Best of luck!
Your easiest road will be one of simple FTP. All machines have great clients and servers for the protocol.