File Sharing Problem in 10.1.3


Curious to know if there are more people that are having a serious slowdown when trying to connect one computer to another within their local area network (or computer direct to computer).

Trying to connect from my PowerBook to my iMac or vice versa used to take a second or two (connected through a Linksys Cable/DSL router -- firmware is 1.39). Now, after updating to 10.1.3, it takes at least a minute before the spinning beachball turns into the Log In dialog box.

I tried deleting the slp.regfile to eliminate multiple listings of my Macs in "Connect to Server..." but that did not eliminate the slowdown.

Hope someone can shine some light on this problem and even offer a solution.

Thanks cybergoober. Just checked out a similar thread in Apple Discussion (" Mac OS X > Using Technologies > Networking and the Web > Connecting to servers slow") and it seems that a Cable/DSL router's DNS entries affect the search for local servers -- which considerably slows down the Log In request.

I used the Console application to see that the Finder first asks the DNS servers (in my case, Earthlink) to find computers connected in my LAN and when those requests time out it then presents me with the Log In dialog box.

Here is a post I've taken from Apple Discussion from another user with the same problem:

"The slow network access problem is back for me again but I am narrowing it down from the comments.

I use a DSL router and therefore input a DNS IP number in my network setup to access our DSL internet provider. I find that if I delete this number, the login to the network server goes very fast and when I put it back in, the access bogs down with DNS errors which goes through four cycles before timing out."

Anyway, hope someone has a solution.
no fixes yet huh? i'm having the same problem, but my LAN is just TERRIBLY slow when both my computers are in X. File copies are painful, I can't stream MP3s cuz they skip so bad, it really is useless. I've only had the opportunity to network two OS X boxes under 10.1.3, does anyone know if it worked better in previous builds?