"File Sharing" services


Does anyone know exactly what services the Mac OS use to get to a file on a Windows file server? In Windows, it's just the standard File and Print services, right?

IN Mac OS X, it's Windows Sharing (the actual name of the service is Samba, th same SAmba used in Linux and open source Unix variants).

You can enable Windows Sharing in System Preferences-->Sharing.
You don't need ANY services running on the Mac for the Mac to connect to a Windows server -- to do that, you would need services running on the Windows server that allow the Mac to connect.

Enabling services like file & print sharing on the Mac allow other computers to connect TO the Mac.
This is true. I misread thinking that maybe the person wanted to enable sharing to Windows computers on a Mac. :p
I enabled Windows sharing and everything works perfectly.

I just have one question: is there a way to configure this so that Windows users only have access to ONE folder and not to everything that's in my Home folder?
Only through 3rd party software. I don't remember the name. Does Sharity still exist? Or is something else preferred for this task? Probably macupdate.com and versiontracker.com would help to find the one that I mean (of which I don't remember the name...).