File Sharing via browser? (os-x server)

OS X comes with the Apache http server built-in.

Files placed in /Library/WebServer/Documents can be accessed through a web-browser by simply pointing to the server.

Users should be able to access files in their home "Sites" folder by pointing to the server, and using their username as a suffix, like this:

You can also provide FTP services. By switching on the FTP service, users can login and will have access to their own home folders. This can even work directly in most web browsers.
Thanks for the info :)

I need users to be able to "upload" files back into their server space via browser.

Any ideas?

I think this requires figurng out how WebDav works... I think it is in OS X/Apache, but I don't know much about it...

It looks like the module needs to be uncommented in Apache's httpd.conf file:
#LoadModule dav_module         libexec/httpd/
#AddModule mod_dav.c