File Won't Trash


As the Subject suggests, I have a file that just will not go to the trash. Every time I try to put it in the trash this message comes up (I have attached the message window image) telling me I cannot trash. Can anyone help me?

I'm running 10.2.6, on an iBook 700. The file is a PDF. The file is not in use by anything else, well not by me anyway. With all apps closed, and not even opening it the message still appears. Please ignore its name of 'poomaker'.



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Mat said:
I have attached the message window image...
No you haven't, but that doesn't matter.

Open Terminal and type man rm. That should explain what you need to do. You can drag the file to Terminal to put the pathname in, so you don't have to type in the whole path.

I believe the command should be rm -f /Path/to/file.type.
There's a utillity called Cocktail that you can download that among other thngs let's you delete any file. I've used it to get rid of a number of files that were in the same state.

Mat said:
As the Subject suggests, I have a file that just will not go to the trash. Every time I try to put it in the trash this message comes up (I have attached the message window image) telling me I cannot trash. Can anyone help me?

I'm running 10.2.6, on an iBook 700. The file is a PDF. The file is not in use by anything else, well not by me anyway. With all apps closed, and not even opening it the message still appears. Please ignore its name of 'poomaker'.

Open the terminal and type:

cd ~/.Trash
<hit return>

sudo rm -rf

put a space after the f and drag the item you want deleted to the terminal so that its path is automatically entered, then press return

give it your admin password and hit return
I got that message when trying to do something to a file that was being copied to another computer. As the dialog suggests, it probably means that the file is in use. Force removing it might cause problems...