Filemaker Pro 7 Security



I am running FilemakerPro 7 in Panther. I am laying out and inputing information on one system and then copying the files to another computer (off-site) where they are largely to be used. When the files move to the other system I am not able to modify (they are read only). I have been through setting all the user priveleges up within the program, but nothing seems to be working. Have even set the User priveleges to Full Access -- nothing seems to work and now I am getting!!! I am new to this software.

Thanks Aidren
I have seen this problem, not specifically FileMaker Pro related, but I did run into it - after copying some files from a CD to a harddrive.

What did the trick was to go to the Finder, locate the file, activate the file (= click it *once*), go to --> File --> Get Info, and then at the bottom of the screen that will appear in Ownership & Permissions it should say You Can "Read & Write" (the latter showing in a pop-up menu).

Hope this will help solve your problem...


Thank you so much. That was the problem! Such a simple solution. I was guilty of tunnel vision once again. I had convinced myself the problem was with the application. With all its sharing and security features I assumed it would have looked after that aspect. Wrong!

Thanks again.

Hi Aidren

Glad I was able to help.

I know all about the tunnel vision thing - does happen to me, too... ;-)

And thank you for bothering to write a little "thank you" note, which a lot of people don't do, but which is very kind and lets one know that his/her answer did help someone out there. :)
