Filemaker to buy Daylite??


This would be interesting. I guess this could help apple on the biz side of things. Would be like a baby Sales Logix.
Dude, again you're just ramdomly speculating. I know this forum does include rumours but please can you post stuff that actually has some sort of basis. The jelly bean thread is obviously rather silly but it does make a point. Speculate away if you like but put it in the opinions forum if you don't have any sort of background for what you write.
It would also be cool if Apple bought Microsoft and discontinued Windows. Or ported it to Apple hardware.

I also heard that IBM was buying the Linux copyrights from all the developers.

Ooo, and it'd be cool if Apple bought Tivo.
Then we'd be breathing "Perrier Air" for $100 a year, drinking microbe-infested water for $100 a sip, and eating food that was considered gourmet 20 years ago but somehow lost its flavor between now and then.
Ripcord said:
It would also be cool if Apple bought Microsoft and discontinued Windows.
Ripcord said:
Or ported it to Apple hardware.
Ripcord said:
I also heard that IBM was buying the Linux copyrights from all the developers.
Copyrights? Developers? You mean the Open Source community?
Ripcord said:
Ooo, and it'd be cool if Apple bought Tivo.
Oooooooooo. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah!!!
daylite is developed around Openbase, an SQL based database. Filemaker would have to do some reporgramming to allow for a filemaker database.
I wonder if there is any way that FileMaker could start leveraging the SQLite that will be part of Tiger?

Of course they'd need to inclue it within the Windows install...